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Welcome to a prom date story! So I've never been to prom because I'm not in high school yet 😚✌️ so I don't know what prom is like but idc. Also Dabi is a hero and you two are in UA as hero's. And one more thing, this was requested by Dabi2007 but I changed it up a lil bit
Relationship status: crush
~1 week before prom~
You stood at your locker gathering your stuff for your next class. "Hey y/n!" You heard someone call out. You look and see Mina, Momo, and Uraraka running towards you. "Hey girls" you said closing your locker. "Did anyone ask you to prom yet?" Mina asked. "Nah" you reply. "Well did you get a dress yet?" Momo asked. "Nah. I don't even know if I'm going to prom" you said. "Oh come on y/n! You gotta go!" Uraraka said. "I'll only go if my crush asks me to it, but I know that's not happening" you said. "Well who's you're crush?" Mina asked. "I'm not telling you" you said sassily. "Oh come on! You gotta tell us now!" Uraraka said. "Ugh fine! But you can't tell ANYONE!" You replied. "We promise" the three of them said and smiled. "I like Dabi" you said. You blushed a little bit and looked down. Their eyes widened and the smiled at me. "What?" You said confused. Mina grabbed the girls shoulders and huddled in a small circle. They where whispering about something but you couldn't hear what it was. After a second hey turned back to you. "Well we're gonna head to class. Bye!" Mina said as the three of them ran away. "What was that about?" You asked yourself. You shrugged it off and went to class.
                             ~Mina pov~
Momo, Uraraka, and I ran around the school trying to find Dabi. We found him in a group of his friends. "Dabi can I ask you a few things?" I asked. "What?" He asked. He turned away from his friends and towards me. "Do you have a date to prom yet?" I was hoping he would say no. "Nah. I might not even go. I would only go if my crush would come with me but I don't have the guts to ask her" he replied. "Speaking of crushes, who's your crush?" Momo asked. "Uhh why should I tell you?" He asked. "Because please" Uraraka said. He sighed and stepped closer to me. "I like y/n" he whispered into my ear. My eyes lit up. "Meet me by my locker after class, I need to talk to you" I said. "Uhh ok?" He replied. "Great! Bye!" I said. I grabbed the girls arms and ran away.
                ~Back to 3rd person pov~
You sat in class waiting for the bell to ring. You where very bored. "Ok class, we have like 5 minutes left so pack up your stuff and be quiet" Aizawa said. He curled up in his yellow sleeping bag and fell asleep. You put all your stuff back in your backpack and waited. When the bell finally rang, everyone stood up and left the classroom.
                             ~Mina pov~
I went to my locker and waited for Dabi. I saw him walking down the hall towards me. "So why did you want me here?" He asks. "Well I need to tell you a secret" I replied. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to my level. "Y/n likes you too. You need to ask her to prom" I whispered in his ear. I let go of his shirt and he stood straight. "R-really?" He stuttered. "Yes now go ask her!" I said. I shoved him towards y/n's locker where she was. I turned back to my locker and got my stuff.
                        ~3rd person pov~
You where getting your stuff from your locker when you noticed Dabi walking over to you. You stay to panic slightly. "Uh hey y-y/n" he said. "Oh! Uh hey" you smiled. "I.. I have a question for you" he said. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. Thoughts started racing through your head. 'What is he gonna ask. Is he gonna ask me out? No there's no way. What if he asks me to prom!?' "What's up?" You replied nervously. He sighed. "Do you maybe wanna go to p-prom with me?" He asked. You blushed and gasped quietly. "Yes!" You shouted. "Great! I'll see ya later" he said. "Ok, see ya!" You said. You run over to Mina who was watching from her locker. "Mina!" You shout excitedly. "What's up girl?" She asked. "Dabi just asked me to prom!" You replied. "No way, that's great! We have to go shopping for a dress!" She said. "Okay!" You said. "Ok we gotta get to class" she said. "Ok let's go" you said as you walked together.
~after school~
"Come on girl! We gotta get you a dress for prom!" Mina said. She tugged on your arm as you where gathering all your things from your locker. "Give me a second woulda? Jesus" you giggled. "Prom is in a week! We need to hurry" she replied. "Yea a whole week, chill" you said. You grabbed your back pack and threw it over your shoulder. "Come on!" Mina grabbed your arm and you ran out of school. "Can we at least go to my house to drop off my stuff?" You asked as Mina dragged you. "Fine" she said. You two ran all the way to your house. You opened the door and tossed your bag on the couch. "Mom! I'm going out with Mina!" You called out. "Ok! Be safe!" Your mom called back. "Ah!" You screamed as Mina pulled out of your house and down the road to a fancy dress store. "Aren't these gonna be really expensive?" You asked. "Yea, but we can get ideas of what you want and Momo can make it for you" she said smiling. "Ok" you replied. "Then let's go!" She said pulling you into the store. You look around at some dresses for a while and you finally go home. You and Mina day on your couch. "I just texted Momo, she's on her way over" Mina said. "Okay" you replied. You and Mina sat on the couch and watched tv for a little. After watching tv you heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" You shouted. Momo walked in and shut the door gently behind her. "Ok so what kind of dress do you want?" She asked. After explaining everything you wanted on the dress, Momo went to the bathroom to make it. After a while of fixing a few things, you finally had your dress just the way you wanted it. (It's that but your favorite color) "Momo this is perfect!" You said, "thank you so much!" "Of course! You gotta impress Dabi" she said with a smile. "You guys are the best!" You said. You pulled them both in for a hug.
~time skip- 1 day till prom~
You, Mina, and Momo where all talking by your locker. You where pretty excited about prom. "Do you need any help makeup or anything?" Momo asked. "Yea probably" you giggled a little. "Don't worry girl, we'll help you" Mina said. "Do you know when he's picking you up?" Momo asked. "Ohhhh.. no I don't" you said. "Well text him and ask" Mina said. "I don't have his number!" You said. "How do you not- ok whatever I'll give it to him for you" Mina said. "Thanks Mina, you guys are life savers" you replied. Mina walked towards Dabi's locker, where he was, and they started talking.
                             ~Mina pov~
I walked over to Dabi who was by his locker. "Hey Dabi" I said. "Oh hey Mina, what's up?" He replied. "Do you have y/n's number?" I asked. "Uhh no" he said. "Here, give me your phone" I said. He handed me his phone and I put in y/n's number. "Thanks" he said as I handed him his phone back. I nodded and smiled. I walked back towards y/n and Momo.
                         ~3rd person pov~
"Did you give it to him?" You asked. "Of course. And I gave him your address for you" she replied. "Thank you" you said and smiled. "No problem girl" she said. "Come on girls, let's go to class" Momo said. The three of you walked into class and sat bored at your desks. Aizawa was talking when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You took it out secretly and looked to see what it was. It was a message from an unknown number.
???: Hey y/n
Y/n: hey? Uh who is this?
???: it's me, Dabi
Y/n: oh hey what's up?
Dabi: just bored. Aizawa is so boring
Y/n: lol yea
Dabi: oh I did want to ask you something
Y/n: what's up?
Dabi: what time should I pick you up tomorrow?
Y/n: how about 6?
Dabi: works for me
Y/n: ok can't wait to see you all dressed up
Dabi: I could say the same to you
"Y/n are you paying attention?" Aizawa said, catching you off guard for a moment. "Yessir" you replied looking up from your phone.
~after school~
You laid in bed and played on your phone. You got a text message from Mina.
Mina: hey girl!
Y/n: hey girly
Mina: did you ask Dabi what time he's picking you up?
Y/n: yea he's coming at 6
Mina: ok great! Me and Momo can help with your makeup
Y/n: great thank you guys!
Mina: of course girl!
You looked at the time. It was 9 at night. It was getting kinda late so you decided to go to bed.
            ~the next morning/day of prom~
You walked to school. 'It's finally Friday. It's finally prom' you thought to yourself as you entered the school. You went to your locker and got your things ready for class. "Hey girly!" Mina shouted from behind you. "Hey girl" you replied. You turned to look at her. Momo and Uraraka where there with her. "Oh hey guys" you said to them. "Are you guys excited for prom later?" Mina asked. "Obviously!" Momo exclaimed. "Who are you guys going with?" I asked the three of them. "I'm going by myself" Momo replied. "Yea me too" Mina said. "Nice. How about you Uraraka?" you asked. "Oh, I'm going with Deku" she said. "Oh nice!" We all said to her. "Yea, I'm kinda nervous though" she said with a nervous grin. "There's nothing to be nervous about, I'm sure you'll look great" Momo said. "Thanks guys" she said.  "Come on let's head to class" Mina said. We all walked to class together.
   ~after school (sorry for all the time skips)~
You sat in your room in your dress for prom. You brushed your long (your hair color) hair, making sure it was soft and pretty. You heard your phone vibrate on the desk in front of you. You grabbed it to see what it was. It was a message from Mina.
Mina: Hey girly! Me and Momo will be right over after we get ready
Y/n: ok sounds great thank you guys!
Mina: of course girl! See you in like 20 minutes
Y/n: ok see you then
You put your phone down and waited for Mina and Momo to get there. After a while of waiting you heard a knock at your front door. You jumped up and ran to the door. You open it and there stands Momo and Mina all dress up and gorgeous. "Wow, you guys look so good!" You said. "Now it's your turn" Mina said. Mina and Momo take you to the bathroom and start working on your makeup. (It's that but instead of purple it's the same color as your dress.) "Now that that's done, time for your hair" Momo said. "What's wrong with my hair?" You asked, "I think it looks fine." "We'll we can make it look even better" Mina said. (That but you're hair color) When the revealed the final product to you, you where in shock. "Wow you guys. I don't even know what to say" you said, " you guys are the best friends I could ever ask for." "Don't mention it, this is what friends are for" Momo said. "What time is it?" Mina asked. "5:55" you replied looking at your phone. "That means it's time for us to go" Mina said. "Have fun!" Momo called out as they walked out the front door. "Mom! I'm about to leave!" You shouted. You heard her get up and walk out of her room. "You look so beautiful!!" She ran and hugged you. "Thanks mom" you smiled. "Who's your date again?" She asked. "Dabi, the guy with purple scars on his face and arms" you explained. "Oh yea, he seems sweet" she said. "Yea he is" you blushed a little. You heard a knock on the front door. You hugged your mom and said goodbye. You walked to the door kinda nervous. You open it and see Dabi standing there in a black tuxedo with a red rose in his hand. He blushed a little when he saw you. "Y/n.. you look beautiful" he said. "T-thanks" you blushed a little as well, "you look really good yourself." He chuckled a little and blushed harder. "Well, shall we go?" You asked kinda awkwardly. "Yea. Oh this is for you" he said handing you the rose. "Thank you" you smiled. He moved out of the way of the door and you started walking to the school together.
                           ~at the school~
You where walking up towards the front entrance. You could hear the music from inside. You got to the door and Dabi held it open for you. You walked in together. You made your way to the cafeteria where you saw your friends. They started walking over to you and Dabi. "Hey girly! You two look cute together" Mina said. You and Dabi both blushed a little and chuckled awkwardly. "Well have fun" Momo said as they walked away. "Do you want a drink? I'll go get drinks" you said. "Yea sure, thanks" he replied. "Of course" you said with a smile. You walked over to the table with cups and drinks. You poured to cups of punch and walked back over to Dabi. "Here you go" you said handing him a cup. "Thanks" he said again. "Wanna sit down?" Dabi asked. "Yea sure" you said. He walked over to a small table with two chairs. You both put your cups on the table and sat down. "So how are you" you asked trying to make it less awkward. "I'm alright, how are you?" He replied. "Same" you said. You both took a sip of your drink.
    ~after talking and hanging out for a while~
You both heard some slow dancing music start playing. "You wanna go dance?" Dabi asked. You paused for a split second. "Y-Yea sure" you blushed slightly. You both stood up and walked out onto the floor. Dabi put his hands around your hips and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You start dancing together. You look over and see Mina and Momo. You smiled at them and they smiled back. You looked back at Dabi and blushed slightly. After the song ended, you hugged Dabi tightly. He blushed but hugged back. "Alright everyone, that was my last song! Everyone be safe on your way home!" The dj said I to a microphone. "Well it is getting kinda late, I'll walk you home" Dabi said. "Alright, lets go" you said. You both walked out of the school and towards your house.
             ~short time skip to your house~
You stopped in front of the door and turned to Dabi. "I had fun tonight" you said, "thank you for taking me." You smiled. "Yea I had fun too" he replied with a slight blush. You ran up to him and hugged him. He blushed a little harder and hugged back. "See you at school Monday" you said. You let go of each other and you walked inside your house.
Finally done with this. That took forever. Sorry for not updating I was trying to finish this. It's a lot longer than the other ones. TwT. Ok bye.

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