Chapter 24: Finally Together

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"First mission complete!" Po cheered as she and Walten headed into their room. "Haha!! I feel so proud of myself!!"

"I know, right?! Although I still feel horrible for Dipsy. But if him being captured here is what's needed for a cure, I just feel...feel..."

"Hopeful?" Po asked.

The Guardian smiled with a nod. "Yeah. Hopeful."

Po sat down next to him. "Heck, I even saved you!"

"You did! Guess you paid me back." He laughed.

"Now you owe me again." Po teased, booping his nose.

Walten chuckled to himself before there was an awkward silence. Po patted the bed randomly, and The Guardian just clicked his tongue to try and fill the void of silence. They looked at each other for a moment, but felt even more awkward and looked to the side.

Po then thought for a long moment. She felt her cheeks become pink, but not because they were rosey like they usually were. Maybe she should ask, or maybe even tell him how she felt. She thought more and more about it, and the more she wanted to do it as she thought about it. But the words to start the possible longfelt speech were missing, so there was just silence, even when she opened her mouth.

"So, uhh...I know this war is long from being over, but what do you wanna do when we win?"

"I wanna celebrate with everybody!" Po said with a smile. "It's a large victory after all! Maybe even get snacks."

"Sounds fun." He said with a smile.

Po nodded before clearing her throat. "So, uhh, Walten? Remember how I didn't think there was anything other than friendship?"

"Of course I do- Wait, why are you bringing this up now?" He asked as he tilted his head.

Po squeaked a cute and nervous noise and then tried to find her words again. "W-Well, I was just t-thinking and I talked to Fiona recently and learned there is a much higher level than friendship. Much higher in fact."

Walten nodded. "Mhm?"

"A-And after our journey, she and Ron and I bet a lot of people told me that you felt something, that higher level f-for me. I didn't know what it was, but then Fiona told me it was called love? Something that makes someone feel warm and fuzzy, very happy, and just nervous. And well, ever since you saved my life from Tinky Winky, Laa Laa, Dipsy, AND The Announcer, and so much more. I finally realized t-that I...I...I..." Her face was as red as her fur now, and she felt incredibly dumb. More than she once was.

The Guardian didn't move. He didn't speak. But his face began to turn as red as hers. He scooted closer to her, and absentmindedly or possibly on purpose, held her fluffy red hand and clutched it into his own.

"I-I-I..." Po couldn't say anything other than 'I' for some reason. But then she began to lean closer.

"...I-I know." The Guardian whispered. And just as the two leaned in, Walten did something odd. He pressed his own mouth against hers. Po faintly recalled it. She remembered the others doing it, but that was when they all had the brains of mice and didn't know what a kiss was.

And she didn't know why, but she kinda liked it. She didn't know what to do back for a little while before closing her eyes and getting the hang of it.

The door flung open silently to reveal Ron. "Oh, I did not want that to happen! Sorry, it's just the day's done and-" He then stayed silent when he saw what happened.

Po and Walten, eyes closed and not a care in the world. They didn't even notice Ron was in the room.

Ron slowly tip-toed out and gently closed the door. He then turned around and took a deep breath. "I KNEW IT!!!"


Soldier after soldier screamed in bloodcurdling agony as they were murdered or tried to run away. Few escaped and got away. One of the generals was punched to the wall by a giant purple monster. He could hear the rest of his men and women being murdered by New Borns and a yellow creature of some kind.

The general coughed before he felt something cold and as wicked as death stomp over. He opened one of his eyes and saw the horrifying Shadow Tubby, with one glowing red eye at the center of his face.


The general growled. "Y...You'll g-go to Hell...O-One way or another..."

Shadow grinned a glowing red grin and cackled to himself before his red glow glowed even brighter, blinding the blood covered general. "I AM HELL."

He then raised his claws and then slammed them down, listening to the painful and last screams of the one he murdered.

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