Chapter One: Betrayed *edited*

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Percy's pov

"We never wanna see you again! I hate you Perseus Jackson! We are over, never come back!" Annabeth screamed at me.

"You're not wanted here anymore! I will never see you as my best friend, you were only a mission to get me closer to finding Pan!" Grover shouted.

"I wish you died instead of Bianca. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Nico said, pushing me to the ground.

"You're so useless Percy, nobody ever needed you " Jason told me, laughing as tears poured down my face and my heart shattering.

"I'd rather be a tree than deal with you. You're a waste of space and resources Jackson!" Thalia screams at me.

"I wish you never came to Camp Jupiter, you ruined mine and Hazel's life for you to turn around and be a traitor. You're the reason people died!"

All my friends were yelling horrible taunts at me. Treating me like I never did anything for them.


I woke up, tears were dried to my face. The nightmares started when the new kid showed up, Kline Woods. He was always sneering at me and pranced around like he owned the place and acted like he was the camp's leader.

He stumbled in our boarders with his clothes ripped and a hellhound on his trail. So I brought out Riptide and pushed it into the hellhounds rib cage. Then when everyone showed up, Kline took my sword and claimed he killed it while I did nothing. All the new campers looked at me in disappointment, but most of the older campers looked at him in doubt. They knew I would never do that, but everything just got worse from their.

I became depressed, I stopped going to meals and stopped hanging out with anyone. All my friends hate me because of stuff I never did. My mother and Paul are dead. They were murdered in cold blood. I don't know what to do anymore. I'm slowly losing myself.

I sighed and got dressed for breakfast. On my way there, I was flashed to Olympus. The gods were in the middle of an argument. (Like always)

Zeus noticed I was standing in the middle of the throne room.

"The traitor has finally shown up!"he thundered.

Everyone turned to look at me with either disappointment or anger. And all I could do was be confused.

"I don't understand, I'm not a traitor. I've been faithful to Olympus. I fought war after war for you." I say.

"We have gotten undeniable proof you're a traitor. You're no longer my son! I, Poseidon, God of the sea, horses and earthquakes, disown Perseus Jackson!"

I gasp, feeling weak, almost falling over. I stare at him in disbelief, how could he? How could any of them after all I've done for them? I lost my childhood to fight in these wars and this is how I get paid? Being called a traitor when I have done nothing but fight for them. Hades, I even went through tartarus to make this great prophecy a success. I feel my pent up anger rise up. 

"What shall we do with the traitor?" Zeus's rumbles.

"We exile him from Camp Half-blood and Olympus." Artemis says.

"We should send him to live his nightmares for years!" Hephaestus exclaims.

"I have a better idea, we banish him to tartarus." Poseidon sneers, slamming his trident on the ground, silencing everyone.

"All in favor?" Zeus asks.

Everyone raises their hand, shocking me. How could they? Do they really not remember my flaw? I feel my heart glaze over, the pain of their betrayal destroying everything.

I feel so defeated. I guess everyone was right, my flaw would be my downfall. Everyone I trusted. Everyone I believed in. Everyone I looked up to. Ruined everything. They took everything. I feel myself floating back into the corners of my mind, the pain too much. 

"It has been voted for you to be banished to tartarus!" Zeus thunders.

After those words are said, all I hear is ringing in my ears, getting louder and louder. I cover my ears, trying to stop the noise from bursting my eardrums, but that doesn't help. I scream, falling to my knees.

"What's going on?" Someone asks, the noise muffling the voice.

I see black spots dance across my eyes, I scream again as the ringing nearly bursts my ear drums. Then I feel myself falling. Before I can comprehend what is happening, my mind goes blank and I seep into the darkness.

Kronos' pov

I laugh at what the gods have done. They've opened up their only way of winning a war to me. I can finally take over his mind. The boy has given up, he will no longer fight for Olympus. They have destroyed the one thing that will stop me from achieving my goals and becoming king.

"Quinton, go get the others ready for the ceremony. The boy is ready." I say, smirking at the screen.

"Yes master" he says, slipping out of the door.

( Half an hour before the gods banish Percy)

I march towards the grand hall. Pushing open the golden doors, I see all of the other titans and a few monsters that want nothing but me to be the king.

I breathe in, "Today is the day we shall rule the world. We will take over Earth, so we can be free of this depth of nothing. We will rise to the top and announce me king once again. Nothing will get in our way! WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" I shout, the monsters cheering.

"The Olympians have banished their hero, we shall claim him and get him on our side. Make the gods wish they never cast him out. He will get his revenge." I laugh, nodding towards Hyperion to start the ritual.

"Πάρτε το φως,
πάρτε το σκοτάδι
και πάρτε την ψυχή,
στείλτε μας αυτό το σώμα"

(Take the light, take the darkness, and take the soul, send this body to us)

The ground starts the rumble, the ground glowing a bright gold. I look away, the light too bright. When it dims down, I look over and see a body on the ground. I stand up and walk towards the body.

I turn him over and grin. Perseus Jackson has arrived.

The Gods better pray because there time is up. The titans will rule the world once more.

(This is my first Percy Jackson story and right now I am just testing the waters to see if this is good and if I am going to keep writing this. I am so excited for you guys to read this. Please forgive any errors in the story as I rushed this and I normally don't type on a computer. I also took the greek words from google translate, so it's not gonna be perfect.)

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