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Time skip after some days :

Since that day , Yg never bothered to face Mn ....
He went back to his friends and slowly started to reveal all the truth that how he and first used to date and how he fell for  Mns fakeness and finally how Mn broke up with him .....

Ygs friends got badly shook hearing those things from Ygs mouth ....

Currently the BTS group is sitting on the table of canteen together silently ...

After Ygs heartbreak , all of them become too much quiet ...
Because all of them were sincerely Hurt at this point .....

A famous  playboy like Yg learnt to love someone ....
But finally got betrayed and ditched by that person was not at all accepted by any of them....
Now Suddenly Jin noticed someone's strong gaze at the Hurt Yg....

He  saw Yg was looking down at the canteen table , and Mn was secretly peeking at  Yg , sitting on a table far away from their table with a cup of coffee ☕ in his hand ......

Actually its not the first time ,Jin saw Mn peeking at Yg like this ....
After the break up of Yg , Almost everyday ,everywhere  ,Jin noticed Mns this  secretly peeking at Yg ......

Now Jin wanted to test something ....
He lightly pinched Yg ....
Yg immediately flinched hard at this point and confusedly looked at Jin ....

The other members also confusedly looked at Jin ....
Now Jin secretly signalled Yg to look over the corner desk behind him .....

Yg along with the other members confusedly looked back at the corner ...

Just as Ygs beautiful feline eyes locked with Mn , Mn just hided his head by putting on the hoodie hastily ...

Resulting , he accidentally spilled the hot coffee ☕ all over his chest on the hoodie .....

Yg and Mn both stood up at the same time time , without their notices ...

And now Mn turned his back and hastily left the spot .......

Yg again got shook at this point and lost his words to say anything ....

He just sadly sat back on his seat and now put his head on the table sadly ...

Jk : Was he following Yg  Hyung again ????

Yg : ( just ignored Jks word and mumbled )
What do you mean by following again Jk  ?????( Asked carelessly )

Jk : Hyung ... Last night when I was dropping you , I clearly saw him following you upto your mansion ....

Yg : ( sat up properly and now carelessly  looked at Jk )
Kook..  Stop talking nonsense ...( Said irritatingly)
. His apartment is also in that way ...
Maybe , he was just returning back to His home 🏡 ...( Mumbled )

Hobi : No, Hyung ... I also think that , he was following you in these days ...
I also sometimes caught him , peeking at you ...

Yg : Hobi please ..... We're no longer dating together .... Following me and peeking at me , that really makes no sense .....( Said madly with a careless mood )

Jin : ( suddenly interrupted ) Guys ....Chill ... Let's have party now ....

Jm : Hyung ... Party ??? Right now???
Are you out of your mind , Hyung ???( Said nonchalantly)

Jin : Chim .... I never say anything with being out of my mind , like you guys ...
We're having party , because of Yg ....
( Said with a bright mood )

All looked at Jin confusedly .... Yg also looked at Jin superb confused now ....

Yg : And why is that ???( Asked confusedly )

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