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"And he told you to get out?"

"Yes. And I did." I answered Luke, absentmindedly stirring my tea with a spoon. The honey had long since mixed in and the tea had cooled extremely.

Luke didn't say anything for a while. He just sat forward and ran his hands through his blonde hair, muttering under his breath. I sat there and watched him silently, tucking my feet beneath me and resting my cup on my knee. The sun had begun to stream in through the window's of Luke's apartment, casting shadows all over the room. Luke lived downtown, near Macy's. I still wasn't quite sure what he was doing by Reese's, but I figured it wasn't my place to ask questions at the moment.

"You think he's cheating on you." Luke said finally, raising his head slightly to look at me.

"I know what I saw," I glanced down at my lap and tucked my hair behind my ear. "He is."

"He isn't." Luke's words were sharp, clipped, and surprisingly firm for the calm attitude he'd had since I ran into him.

"Luke, I know what I-"

"That woman you saw was Tracy Donner." Luke snapped, straightening up. A frustrated look passed over his face briefly, before his shoulders relaxed and he slumped forward, returning to his former position.

"Who?" I asked quietly, frowning.

"She works at a local studio here in the city," Luke sighed, falling against the back of the couch and combing his hands through his hair.

"Recording studio?" I raised my eyebrows and brought the cup to my lips, but I didn't take a sip.

"It's part of a chain," Luke explained. "The central one's in LA."

"Well, that's great," I said, but I didn't understand why he didn't sound so excited about it. "What's the problem with that?"

Luke opened his mouth to answer, but quickly shut it. He leaned forward again with his elbows on his knees and laced his fingers together, glancing around the room once before coming back to rest on his feet, which were bouncing up and down off the ground. He swore under his breath. Did Luke always act like he drank eighty Red Bulls a day?

"I don't want to be the one to tell you this," Luke groaned, hiding his face in his hands.

"Tell me what?" I got up, setting my mug on his coffee table and sat next to him.

Luke looked up at me, his blue eyes apologetic and sad. He hesitated for a second before he sighed and spoke. "There's a good chance we're going to move. To LA."

"What?" And suddenly I understood. This is what Michael didn't want to tell me. This was why he got sad or distant if we ever talked about the future. And these past few weeks, when he was gone until late at night, he was recording and working out this move.

"I'm sorry," Luke raised his arm to wrap it around me, but then as if thinking more carefully, he dropped it. It wouldn't have mattered if he had tried to comfort me, because I was on my feet and pacing around the room.

"Sorry?" I struggled to wrap my head around this. "Why? This is great! You guys can finally get going with the band. And I love LA, I used to go down there all the time with my parents and-"

"Lana," Luke cut me off in a strained voice. "No."

My heart plummeted down to the pit of my stomach as I realized what he meant. If they moved, I wouldn't be moving with them. "Oh."

"You still have to finish up at the Art Institute," Luke watched me sadly as I stopped next to him and sat back down, hiding my face in my hands.

"But, Disney's still keeping an eye on me," I tried, desperate for some sort of loophole that could get me away from the possibility of being left here without them. "I've been doing better, and they like what I'm doing, I'm sure I could get like a job or-" My voice died as Luke solemnly shook his head.

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