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i got the inspiration from another one shot series i just read it's very wholesome

(Bnha Villain Oneshots) by @Nurfgrapes

you guys should go check it out the writing is ~immaculate~ :')

"Y/n, I have a special task for you to do while I'm gone for the day," informed Overhul with a very serious look playing on his hot features. "Yes, Boss?" I asked, straightening my posture to match the tension.

"I have some business to attend to with some clients, and while I'm away I need you to tidy up my office for me." I quirked my brows, feeling underwhelmed. I took a moment to glance around the room. There didn't seem to be a speck of dust in sight.

"Umm, define tidy?"

"You'll know when you start cleaning."

None of that made sense to me. This morning I happened to randomly check my calendar, and it turned out that it was my birthday. Instead of boasting about it, I chose to remain quiet. So far, no one seemed to notice (not that remembering each other's birthdays was important). I just simply did it for the curiosity.

But although I hated to admit it, it kind of sucked. My entire day would've been blessed if I were to hear Overhaul wish me a Happy Birthday. In fact, that's all I really wanted. It sounded pretty dumb in my head, but it never took much to please me.

In the end, I abided by Overhaul's wishes, and I bid him off. It was odd being in his office by myself. It was like without him here, it was just another tasteless room. Funny how the only thing that tied the room together was him, a person.

"I guess this room isn't gonna clean itself. Even though I have no frickin' idea what needs cleaning," I huffed as I proceeded to make a standard inspection of the room. Everything looked normal to me, but somehow, Overhaul was always able to find a trace of uncleanliness.

Oh, the things I did for this man. I got on all fours and checked under the coffee table and sofas. Now, I was currently under his desk. Although I couldn't find any dust or grime, I wiped it down anyway.

As I was shuffling out of the tight space, my head thumped against the hardwood. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," I hissed with my fingers gripping the back of my head. I stood up from the floor and lifted my head to the ceiling. "Man, this sucks," I groaned.

Suddenly, I noticed Overhaul's rather massive bookshelf. "I'm willing to bet there's some yucky stuff up there." I grabbed the boxed container of wipes and pulled out the swivel chair. Knowing how pissed he would be to see me standing on the very place he sat for hours a day, I took off my shoes. The socks stayed on, though.

I set a foot upon the black chair and hoisted myself up. please don't try this at home, kids. The bookcase was fairly tall, but I was able to somewhat reach up there. I couldn't believe I was doing this. Well, if I fell, I could just grab onto the glass door.

My legs felt wobbly as I attempted to wipe away the unneeded germs. What I wasn't expecting was for the chair to roll over the tip of my shoe. On cue, I lost my balance and went plummeting downward. Like I said before, I latched onto the door to the bookcase. As soon as I began to feel safe, The door popped  open.

My fingers slipped from the handle, and I yelped as continued to fall. My back collided painfully against Overhaul's desk. I writhed in agony, clenching my newly-bruised shoulder. "Agh! God," I cried. That was definitely a huge mistake. I didn't care if someone paid me a thousand dollars. I was never going to do that again.

"Come on, Y/n. Don't be... a baby." I eased off of the desk and made my way towards the door. Screw my shoes, I left them on the floor and exited the office. After that, I hobbled towards the bathroom, feeling troubled. "What's wrong Y/n? You don't look so well," Rappa taunted while passing by. "Shut up and die in a sewer, Rappa," I seethed.

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