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Three months.

That's how long it's been since Alex had saw the twins, or anyone she knew from London.

There's no more letters, no more pop up visits.

There's nothing, it's like they forgot about her, but she couldn't really blame that on them. This is what she wanted, to be left alone.

To be forgotten.

"Alex lets go" Chris said as he banged on the girls bedroom door.

She didn't know what time it was, but the sun was out and she could already hear people talking and laughing outside.

She got up and got dressed, it was cold in New York so the girl put on a coat, a pair of jeans and the hat Molly had knitted her one Christmas.

Once the pair was ready to go out, Alex linked her arm with Chris' to help him walk, since he was getting quite old and fragile

"So where are we off to today?" The girl asked Curiously

"Prospect Park"

The two did this often, Chris would wake the girl up and take her on a walk because he claimed she didn't get out much and that he needed the steps.

On these walks the two wouldn't really talk, but when they did Chris always managed to give the girl some sort of advice, something that made her feel better about being there.

"Do you have any kids Chris?" Alex asked once the pair had finally Settled on a bench to sit on

The older man smiled a little, "carol blessed me with three sons. Once they got older they completely forgot about us tho. They left and made their own family. Haven't talked to any of them in years"

The girl felt a bit sad for the old man, she knew she'd do anything and everything for Eleanor if she where still here. And she also knew how sad she'd be if one day Eleanor where to just leave and never speak to her again.

She wondered if that's how molly and Arthur felt.

They've been parent figures to the girl since she was just 11, they took in two more kids, even tho somethings they had trouble feeding themselves.

They must of felt so betrayed with her departure from London. They must of felt so hurt to see one of the kids they considered their own to leave without warning.

Alex was a terrible person.

"Tell me about Eleanor" the older mans said, pulling the girl out of her own thoughts.

Alex smiled sadly at the thought of her daughter, she hadn't spoken about her since her death.

"She was beautiful, these large emerald green eyes, amazing blonde hair just like her fathers. She had this laugh, it lit up the whole room. Her smile was so radiant, she was Amazing"

The girl took a short pause, "she was just beginning to crawl. She couldn't stand up yet because her legs weren't strong enough to carry her own weight, she ate so much, like a little wolf. She was so caring, if she saw anyone in pain she knew, it was a sight to see. She had so much potential. You know when you can just tell someone is going to be great?"

The girl stopped to get an answer from the older man, and when he nodded she continued

"You could tell she was going to change the world. She could've done so much more if she only had time."

The old man put a caring hand on the girls shoulder, "you're very strong Alex, someone so young who had to go through so much, and yet here you are. Living everyday"

"Her birthdays next month" Alex said as she tried to hold back the tears forming in her eyes.

But she couldn't, so she let them fall. And Chris didn't seem to mind, he just put a caring arm around the girls shoulder and stood silent.

So the paired stayed at the park for a few more hours, with Alex sobbing in the older mans arms and the man just staying silent and letting her get all her feelings out.

Later the pair walked back to the apartment, Jo had baked a cake so each one had a slice before heading off to bed.

The girl got ready and closed her eyes.

"She's so sweet, you're daughter" her father said as he smiled down at the girl

Alex smiled back, "you guys have met her, haven't you?"

Lily nodded, "yes, and she's great. Exactly how you and Harry where at that age"

"We're sorry about what happened, but you were an amazing mother to her when she was alive" her father said as he placed a hand on the girls shoulder

Alex shook her head, "you guys were able to protect Harry and I. Why couldn't I protect her? I was right there"

The girls mother sat down next to Alex, brushing her hair out of her face.

"Well maybe, maybe your story isn't done. Maybe you've got more things to do, more people to save. So you couldn't die that night, because people need you"

"What about what I need? I need Eleanor and she isn't here."

James sighed, "Alex listen, you've got so much more to do. Trust me okay?"

Alex didn't feel like arguing, so she simply nodded

Her parents stood up and embraced the girl into a hug

"You two will watch her for me right? You'll take care of her?" The girl pleaded

She knew she couldn't help Eleanor anymore, but her parents could. They had to

"We will" lily said, and just like many times before, they disappeared

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