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I tried running, but his huge hands held mine above my head, not letting me move. He was in control, and I liked it. We were both breathing unbelievably hard and our bodies were touching. Our chests were moving in and out together, as I felt his hot breath on mine. As he catched his breath, he said

"Y/N, don't listen to her! Yesterday in the bathroom, she tried kissing me. But I pushed her off and now she's mad. I would never say any of those things about you. I mean look at you, your beautiful. Your funny, amazing, and every second I spend with you makes me complete. Please believe me Y/N."
A tear falls down his check, and I wipe it off with my thumb. Cedric looks up at his arms effortlessly holding mine above me onto the locker. He slowly let's go and spots a bunch of finger prints bruising my wrist.
"I'm a monster, I'm so sorry. I didn't know what got over me, I just didn't want to loose you." He whispered taking my hands into his and investigating the red marks.
"Jesus Y/N, you do something to me. You make me loose control around you. Why is that?" He softly adds.
"Cedric, it's ok! It doesn't hurt at all. But why didn't you show up at he library? I was waiting for so long you had me worried."
"I was, until I found a letter fall out of my binder. It said to meet you outside of Dumbledore's office. So I went. I waited and waited until I decided to go check the library. As I was walking to the library, I saw you walking with Taylor. I stayed behind the wall and eavesdropped because I knew she was up to no good. When I figured out that you weren't the one that wrote the note, I was furious! Taylor wrote it making this an opportunity to tell you lies and to try and make us mad at each other. I'm so sorry Y/N. Are you mad?" He asks, still having me backed up into the lockers.
"I belive you Cedric. And no I'm not mad, of course I'm not mad. None of this isyour fault!" I say knowing deep inside I was a little mad. Mad that while he was pinning me against the locker, he didn't take his hands and pick me up by my thighs, making them wrap around his waist. I'm mad that he didn't kiss me all over my body making me shiver. I'm mad that he didn't take his huge hand to wrap it around my neck and choke me, making the other hold my thighs around his torso. These things are honestly what I was mad about.
"Well, we should get to the library." He says backing up to the middle of the empty hallway. We started walking back the the library and I picked up my books and supplies that I left on the bench. We finally got to the back table where we were sitting last time and sat down. I told him what I was struggling on and we got to work. It was pretty normal. Just him teaching me and us focused on the work. But I was still thinking about what just happened a couple minutes ago. I could also see that Cedric was forgetting what he was saying a lot. He was also probably thinking of something else. But I got focused on the subject and started to slowly forget about what just happened. Soon enough, Cedric looked at the clock above me on the wall and started packing up. He walked me back to my dorm as we talked a lot. There were only very little students wandering around the hallways. He told me about how Stanley (The guy we traded rooms with) was keep on complaining to everyone how Noava, Kiera and I stole his room. Cedric thought that Stanley's story was really funny. That's how he knew where my dorm room was. Cedric then bet me that he could beat me to the Hufflepuff commons before me. I of course knew he would win, but still took the challenge. I counted to three, and then we both sprint off running to the next turn of the hallway.
But I found myself on the floor with hot coffee all over me the next second. I bopped my head up and saw Professor McGonagall on the floor right in front of me as well. Her cup of steaming coffee made a loud bang as it hit the floor. All the boiling hot coffee made a puddle around us, getting both my clothes and her robe wet. I got up quickly realizing what just happened. The professor dropped her glasses so I helped look for them. Great, they were perfectly sat in the middle of the coffee puddle making them sticky. I handed them to her and then helped her up. Diggory also came running back, helping her too. As she leveled up with my face, I could tell that she was not happy.
"DETENTION FOR BOTH YOU AND MR. DIGGORY FOR A WHOLE WEEK! UNACCEPTABLE. -5 POINTS FOR HUFFLEPUFF. YOU KNOW THAT THER IS NO RUNNING IN THE HALLWAYS!" She screamed making an echo across the hallways. Cedric and I looked at each with our eyes wide open. Professor McGonagall called for someone-who I belive was the janitor- and started walking away with her empty cup. The noise of her heels hitting the concrete made a loud noise that scared me. Cedric and I looked at eachother and started bursting out into laughter. I was dying on the floor, enjoying these type of moments with him, until he told me to get up and run. I turned my head and heard the janitor comming. I did not want to explain to him what happened or get into any more trouble so Cedric took my hand and pulled me all the way to the Hufflepuff commons. We got through the secret doors into the Hufflepuff rooms quickly. Luckily, I took off my robe waiting for Cedric to meet me at the library so It didn't get the robe dirty (those things were expensive). I saw Will sitting down on the couch doing his eyeliner. He saw me but knew to stay put because I was with Cedric. We said our goodbyes still laughing about what just happened and went our separate ways. I motioned Will that he could come talk to me now. He desperately runs behind me pulling on my arm to tell him everything. We got to my room and I told him what happened. It was the now The Weekend, so I invited him to sleep over. I knew Kiera and Noava would be fine with it, plus he would be sleeping in my bed. It felt nice actually being comfortable with another guy that I'm not related to in the same bed. It was like any other girl sleepovers with Nail painting, drinking, partying, and average fun sleepover things. This weekend was the last weekend of freedom before the week full of detentions. I tried to make this weeknd focusing only my friends without having a though of Cedric. Of course it was a fail. Every time I thought of him, I felt butterflies in my stomach like he was right in front of me. But other than not being able to get Diggory out of my head, The Weekend was a huge success!

The opposites in taste (Cedric+Draco fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now