Chapter 4.

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As she walked into the library, inhaling one of her favorite smells (the scent of old books) she slowed down and reminded herself why the library was her favorite place in town. It was the second oldest building, the first being City Hall. On the outside, the old brick library didn't look like much, but in the inside, it felt like she'd stepped into another world. Like she'd travelled back in time to the medieval ages where technology was nonexistent and the mazes of atheistically pleasing oak shelves were aligned in perfect rows. She adored the windows all around the backside of the library that seemed to touch the sky, and she loved the panoramic views of the woods.

The computers were hidden in sections, technology was never the first thing anyone saw when they first walked into the yellow and blue carpeted library with endless bookshelves. To the right inside the entrance was the desk where Jane, the librarian, sat stamping books and logging the check outs and returns on the only computer in plain sight.

Jane must've been in the back, since her usual old swivel chair was vacant.

Juliet was on a mission to make it to the back of the library but was momentarily side tracked when her eyes caught the New Arrivals shelf. Gravitating towards it like a moth to light, she eagerly scanned the shelf; hoping for either a biography, a new murder mystery novel or better yet, a biography about a serial killer.

Juliet had to laugh at herself, she loved her twisted mind and how she found the abnormal so incredibly fascinating. This is why she loved to study people. What makes them think the way they do? And how and why would someone be driven to kill when it has no benefit to society or to the greater good? They get the high, but it's a fleeting feeling, so why do it? Is it a game? A need? She didn't know, and she knew that until she found her answer, she would continue to read all about them.

Shaking her head, she mumbled, "don't get distracted by the books Juliet, we have more important things to do."

With that, she halfheartedly tore herself away from the shelf and wove through the shelves in search of her ideal workspace. Which would be hidden away in a corner, but with a window in sight so she could get some natural light.

When she finally found her spot, Juliet set a timer on her phone to go off at 7:45. Then seated herself at the computer hidden in the very back of the library, making sure it wouldn't be reflecting on the windows.

Pulling up Google, she typed in the words "haughty eyes."

The first result revealed that haughty eyes was a Biblical reference. The definition being: The word is always used in the Bible in the evil sense of "arrogant, disdainful and setting oneself above others"; it is often set in contrast to being humble.

Under the definition was a link, she clicked on it and in blue letters was: Proverbs 6:16-19. Grabbing a piece of white printer paper and a pen, she scribbled "haughty eyes" and wrote the definition down. Then drew an arrow under "others" and she wrote down the Proverb. "There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers."

Juliet underlined "haughty eyes" then drew a squiggly arrow down the side of the paper to the blank space beneath the Proverb. She wrote "Carla."

She thought for a minute, what was the connection between Carla and haughty eyes? Why would the killer have linked her to a Biblical phrase? Carla was not Christian, Juliet couldn't ever recall a time in the year and a half that she'd known her to have been religious at all.

She underlined Carla's name and wrote beneath it, not religious (not certain about this).

Juliet wrote down a few traits about Carla that might help create links. Smart, kind, fun, humble, hardworking.

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