Chapter 37 : Fluff

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The conversation ended shortly thereafter. I was lounging around in the science shed, where I slept and was humming to myself, picking at the skin on the back of my hand, and traced a few stretch marks on my hip. When it was around ten pm Senku peaked his head through the door and let himself in. "Hi," I gave him a little wave. He only responded with, "What are you doing?" Gently lifting my finger away from my hand and rolled his eyes.

"You're going to draw blood if you keep doing that, I know you're not stupid," he tutted.

"Oow, lessen the attitude, you care too much," I chuckled, he only kept staring at me, I could physically feel my stomach roll as he kept his grip on my hand when I tried to inch away. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I squint my eyes at him. He blanked me as he glanced away. "Don't make me regret this," he muttered.

"Regret wh-" before I could finish my question, he pushed forward, grabbing me in a hug and he landed a soft kiss on my lips, his grip on my hair made me dizzy. What is happening? I didn't have to think about anything as my thumb ran over his sharp jaw, my eyes closed on me and eventually, he pulled away. Breathing slightly laboured, we stared at each other in the eye. I leaned my head into his out of pure shock. I didn't think he had the guts to make a move since I was too much of a wuss, but for once he took me by surprise. "Kai?" he breathed out. But before I could say anything we both heard a shuffle outside and hushed whispers of frustration. "They're going to hear you be quiet," one snapped.

"Tell yourself that!" we both looked back to each other and chuckled. "idiots," I mumbled. "We should go to bed." I hummed in response. I turned over under my blanket before my stomach tightened and my heart fluttered, an arm snaked around my waist, hugging me from behind. I eventually got to sleep, the quietest night I'd ever had.

(A/N) so I got a little bored with this one and tried to do a little fluff. The rest of the episode will be carrying on in the chapter.

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