Chapter 1: Let's Review

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"September 1st, 2013

I guess this journal is now a diary. Well, it has been for the last week from getting back from Gravity Falls and back into school. I'm 13, and teenage years are something to document.

It's pretty crazy to think that Pyronica took over Gravity Falls only 5 days ago. Now, me and Mabel are back in Piedmont, California, in school as 8th graders. First day of being Freshmen! Woo...

Me and Mabel agreed to not wear our clothes with our zodiac symbols on them for at least a year after Weirdmaggedon. It kinda freaked both of us out, and was a traumatizing time for us. Yikes.

During the apocalypse, I remember seeing a teen about me and Mabel's age running around by himself. I approached him at the birthday party, and he said that he liked the challenge of surviving. I guess that's respectable. He's annoying though. Fortunately, that kid isn't sitting right next to me. Oh crap... I forgot to ask his name. That's fine, I bet it's something strange like Quiver. 

But jeez, 8th graders. Next year, we're going to high school near home and Gravity Falls. Mabel and I are going to be living with the Stans' mom. Our great-great... Grandma? I guess. We call her CP, which stands for Caryn Pines. Her husband died back in 2009, sadly.

Mabel is so hyped to meet her. I can almost see the future, both of them sitting on the couch and knitting.

Maybe I can find Ford's old projec-"

The pen scratches off the page, as if the author left mysteriously...

"Mr. Pines! Put that away!" Mrs. Blanche says sternly.

Dipper looks up, embarrassed, and closes his book swiftly so none of the students watching him can see what he wrote.

QOD: Any details you want to know or questions about the story? Sorry for the boring question.

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