Chapter 4: 2nd Annual Northwest Ball, Part Two

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"Dipper!" Mabel calls out.

"Mabel! Where's the tool shed?"

Mabel jerks her head in the direction of a small white building tucked away in the bushes.

Dipper sprints towards the tiny shed, kicking any gnomes in his way. He swings open the shed's door and grabs a leaf blower. Dipper turns around and faces the crowd of creatures behind him, then cranks the power up all the way.

All the gnomes try to walk towards him, and the smarter ones dodge the column of air. Jeff comes up behind him, emerging from the shed, with a shovel. 

"And this is for taking away our queen!" He yells, clearly referencing their last encounter, and slashes the sharp edge across Dip's face. Just in time, Dipper turns around but the shovel still hits him. 

(Enter drawing here)

"Augh!" Dipper cries out, a gash bleeding across his face and... No time for that now, he needs to save his twin!

Dipper swings around and hits Jeff with the blast of air, sending him flying back the way he came, making all the other gnomes scurry away at the sight of Dipper defeating their king.

"Mabel! I'm here!" Dipper yells, running towards the marble pillars where the girls were tied up, broken umbrellas at their feet.

"Well, we tried to hold them off, I guess that didn't last." Candy says, wriggling her arm out of the rope to unnecessarily adjust her glasses. 

"We had a good run and didn't die though!" Grenda remarks.

Dipper unties the girls and they pile in the bright red car.

"Alright Grunkle Stan, pedal to the medal!" Mabel exclaims. "Let's get outta here!"

Halfway through the ride, Dipper finally spoke up, interrupting the girls' conversation about werewolf hotties. 

"So... Are you gonna tell me about this crazy party or not?"

"Of course! So these hot dude all came up to us at the beginning of the party, asking about our sweet ride."

Two rich guys came up to the girls as soon as they got through the door to ask them about the rusty truck.

"Then Grenda saw her lovey-dovey prince! He came over to her right away and they caught up and stuff! Turns out he got caught up in the Weirdmaggedon too."

When Grenda was over at the snack bar, the Australian Prince from last year came up to her and they did indeed catch up. Mabel and Candy were glad for her, she deserved that love.

"Also, the songs were so slow and boring! We spiced it up though, thank goodness Candy actually has a phone. We played Dancing Queen and Pacifica actually joined us. She isn't so bad after all!"

Since it was indeed a Ball and not a commoner party, instrumental songs played instead of pop songs. Candy and Mabel realized this and hooked her phone up to a BlueTooth speaker and played tons of 1970s music like Dancing Queen, Stayin' Alive, Superstition, Lean on Me, and so many others that got everyone dancing, except for Mr. and Mrs. Northwest.

"Then we all heard a loud rumbling and the ground shook! Everyone's drinks spilled on them, making them scream. It was kinda funny. Until-"

The stampede of Gnomes in the backyard was violent enough to shake the ground. They spilled out from the backdoor and flooded the house, trying to get Mabel back. The three girls fought back with some sturdy umbrellas, but then got captured and their umbrellas broke. That was when Dipper came in and saved them.

Now that he thinks about it, Dipper's view was... altered in some way. He reaches up and touches his gash. 

"Mabel..." He says, horrified. "I think I'm blind in my left eye."

Mabel bursts through the bathroom door and drags her brother in, sitting him down on the bathtub, then rummages through the cabinet under the sink for some bandages or medication, or something! 

They had already dropped off Grenda and Candy at their houses and got home pretty late. Mabel and Stan were scared that Dipper's left eye might actually be blind, so it indeed was petal to the medal. 

"Dipper, close your right eye so we can really know if your left eye is really kaput or not."

Dipper did as he was told, and it turns out he can see out of his left eye, but not as much as he should. 

He's 1/4 blind...? Strange, that hit should have completely destroyed his eye.

QOD: What does your favorite jacket/sweatshirt look like?

My favorite jacket is a black bomber jacket with white-and-black 3-striped cuffs at the sleeves and the bottom of it. The sleeves have pink, purple, and red floral. 

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