Chapter 5: Twin's 14th Birthday

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Attempting to rub the sleep out of his eyes, Dipper reluctantly rose out of bed. Another week, another day-

Mabel leaps out of bed, excited to face the day.

"Dipper! It's our birthday! Finally! And we get to stay an extra week for Soos and Melody's wedding!" She grabs some clothes and goes into the bathroom to change. 

Dipper sighs contently. He loves when Mabel is happy, it somehow makes him giddy as well. He better get ready for the day too. 

Walking down the stairs together, the twins look the complete opposite. Mabel is all bubbly, probably wanting to give someone a hug or feel dangerous enough to eat 2 cookies, while Dipper looks an awful lot like a college student after studying all night for exams. 

"Happy Birthday!" People start popping out of nowhere, throwing confetti or holding a small gift. 

Mabel squeals, she's been waiting for this practically her whole life! She runs around, saying hi to everyone and thanking as Dipper stands back, smiling.

Later, when everyone already journeyed outside towards the party setup, Dipper spotted that kid he saw for a split second during Weirdmageddon and is currently talking to him. 

"I've actually been wanting to ask you this for a long time," Dipper says nervously, focusing his view on the red cup in his hands, "W-"

"Yes, of course I'll go on a date with you!"

"What?! No! Why would I ask that? I was gonna ask you your name you idiot!"

"Ooh~ Even better!"

The two boys stare at each other for a solid minute.

"I'm Bill Cipher."

"Bill Cipher?"

"Yes, the name I feel you'll be saying over and over-"

"Your first name is dumb."

Bill squints angrily at Dipper.


"There was this really scrawny kid back in California that called Mabel dumb and too childish."

"Oh. But I'm muscly. You can tell the difference!"

Bill flexes to show off.

"No, it's still an annoying name. Just like you."

Bill huffs and puts his arms down.

"Then what are you gonna call me, Pines?"

"Cipher. Just Cipher."

Bill blinks twice.


It was time to open gifts and the Twins were seated on the porch waiting.

"Oh my gosh! This is so cool!" Mabel takes out a huge ball of pastel yarn from the gift bag, possibly for more sweaters. "Thank you so much, Grunkle Stan!"

"A watch!" Dipper smiles, he started wanting to wear more than one watch on his arm earlier this year so he could have Piedmont, California and Gravity Falls' time without having to adjust his watch every Fall and Summer, even if it was only an hour off. 

Dipper opens his gift and takes out a camouflage pair of combat hunting boots, which were similar to Ford's own tan pair. Mabel opens her's from Ford and gets pink ones. 

"Does this mean-" Ford nods, indicating that he was going to start taking the twins on Monster Hunts with him. 

"You two did great with the gnomes, even with setbacks and scars," He motions to Dipper's left eye, which had an eye patch on at the moment, "So I thought you guys were definitively ready to come with me and Stanley on expeditions." Stan nods, confirming, while tearing up a bit. 

"I'm so proud of you two!" Stan can't keep it in, he hugs Mabel and Dipper with one arm on each twin. affectionately noogieing.  

After the party was over, Mabel was planning on having Candy and Grenda over. Dipper wasn't despising the idea. After the carpet incident with the room contest from last year, Dipper actually enjoyed listening in on the sleepovers and even participating in the activities. 

He is currently on his bed, reading a book, a present from Wendy. He loves these books. The futuristic, bit of romance, active adventure stories. This one was titled Ready Player One and it was by Ernest Cline. Wendy had read the book in school already and had thought that Dipper would like it. She was right, so far he loves the book. 

Chatter comes from outside the bedroom door so Mabel looks up from her knitting with an excited smile. Candy and Grenda were here. 

"So first," Candy starts, reaching into her backpack, "Let's do makeovers!" She pulls out makeup, two brushes, and a rainbow of colors of nail polish. 

Dipper sighs and rolls his eyes affectionately. One year passed and nothing changed. In a way, everything changed but stayed right where he left it.

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