Chapter 7: Reintroductions

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And now your song is on repeat
And I'm dancing on to your heartbeat
And when you're gone I feel incomplete
So if you want the truth-

"I just wanna be part of your SYMPHONY!" The whole van of teenagers yell. "Will you hold me tight and not let go!?"

Wendy, Thompson, Tambry, Lee, Nate, and the Mystery Twins™ are on their way to the waterfall in Thompson's brand new van. He bought it himself.

The gang was headed to the waterfall with the cave behind it. Recently, the twins set up a little hangout area with a few camp chairs and a bonfire pit, and they wanted to try it out.

"Yeah! Let's set this place on fire!" Lee yells, jumping out of the boat onto the blue-tinted sand. 

Dipper smiles softly. He hasn't seen Bill in a year, and he's enjoyed himself. Mabel seems happy too. Granted, she was pretty hyped since he proposed the bonfire idea, but still.

"Hey! What are you doing here, Pines?" A voice calls out from behind the small cliff. 


The teen steps out from behind a boulder. He's shirtless and has black swim shorts on, it looks like he just wanted to take a swim in peace.

"Pines, what the heck are you doing here? I thought you didn't like me."

"I could be asking you the same thing. Me and Mabel already claimed this spot, didn't you see the bonfire pit?"

"I thought it was a hobo camp. And you can't claim spots!"

The rest of the group awkwardly watched the two boys bicker back and fourth. Mabel secretly ships them, but it may be in vain, they hate each other.

"Do you guys want me to push you into each other or will you stop arguing?"

Bill and Dipper stopped yelling and look at Wendy, embarrassed. 

"Wendy! I thought you were on my side!"

"Not when I see a romance blossoming."


"Do you like me, Dipper?" Bill says, laughing so hard, he's doubling over. "Wendy's telling the future!"

"I-It's not funny!" At this point, everyone was cackling, in a joking way. "You guys suck!"

"No, only you do!" Nate spills, roaring with laughter.

After everything died down, Bill joined the group around the fire and in gentle conversation. Dipper just pouts on the side.

"Hey, Dip-Dop?" Mabel speaks up, "Sorry for making fun of you earlier."

"Yeah, sorry about that man," Thompson follows.

"My bad," Wendy agrees. Lee, Nate, and Tambry nod.

Dipper uncurls from his position and joins the others with a soft smirk on his face. 

"Hey, Cipher, I never got to apologize for whatever I said after the wedding. I-"

"It's fine." What a blunt cut-off. 

Dipper tries a small side smile at Bill, and surprisingly, he smirks softly back.

Gentle bliss even into the night ensued. No one wanted to stay overnight in the packed sleeping bags, so everyone, even Bill, piled into the white carpool van.

♪So let me be, and I'll set you free!
I am in Misery!
There ain't nobody
Who can comfort me
Why won't you answer me?
The silence is slowly killing me♪

To everyone's relief, Bill jumps in the front seat and Dipper sits in the opposite side of the car, way in the backseat with Mabel. 

Misery  by Maroon 5 sings in the background, just kind of being there. But it can't be a ride in Thompson's Van without several screeching teenagers, so Bill starts everyone off with terrible singing.

"Girl you really got me bad, You really got me bad!" Dipper starts to cover his ears, but puts his hands down and yells along, voice cracking along with the teenager in the front seat. 

Wendy cackles. Sometimes the two rivals could be hilarious together, especially with cheesy pop songs. The others don't join in, but they do laugh along. 

Why I Hate Bill Cipher | A Gravity Falls Timeline BookWhere stories live. Discover now