Chapter 6: Soos and Melody's Wedding

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Soos and Melody saved their wedding for the Fall so Mabel and Dipper's parents let them stay a week longer than usual, which meant that they were going to miss the first and second day of school. 

"What a mysterious way to start school. The new kids, which are identical twins, which are also different genders which shouldn't be genetically possible but here we are, happen to be gone the first few days of school in a town that no one has heard of before that also has a mysterious name. Yup, these people are totally normal!" Dipper ranted a bit while getting ready with Mabel in the side room at the barn where the wedding after-party was going to be held. 

Mabel is the flower girl and Dipper is the ring bearer. A child's job. Ew. Of course Mabel didn't mind, she knew that some of the younger generations are terrible and she would actually enjoy her task, but Dipper feels like he's being treated like a toddler again. He always felt like his parents coddled him. So did teachers, older kids, relatives- He hates it.

One day, Dipper tells himself, one day he'll be able to show the world that he is smarter and more mature than others make him out to be. Thankfully, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy understood from the very beginning of this problem. So far, Dipper had confronted his parents and the Stans. To his dismay, only the Stans agreed with him and complied. If his own parents didn't open their eyes, how could he persuade others?

Never mind that, today is Soos and Melody's day. He shouldn't be worrying about his problems now. 

The long awaited ceremony was beautiful. Both the bride and the groom were ecstatic. 

Later, during the after party, Mabel, Dipper, Candy, and Grenda were outside, sipping on Capri-Suns and Sprite, avoiding the drunk adults inside the rustic barn. The four teens sat on a thick, sturdy branch, high in a large oak tree. Suddenly, they all spot the backdoor to the barn as it swung open. Someone stumbles out that looks like their height.

Since it was dark out, as the figure walks away from the warm light of the barn, the four on the branch couldn't see where the stranger went. No one dare make a sound. 

Then the person, now under the tree, turns on their phone light, letting the twins and friends see their face. Dipper gave a disgusted face.

"Cipher!" Bill looks up, smiling, like he knew they were up there the whole time. "Why are you out here?

"Come down, Pines!"

The girls all look at Dipper, smirking. Mabel decides to make a move.

"Bill, can you catch something?"

"I guess...? Wait, you're gonna throw your empty cans at me, aren't you?!"

Mabel shakes her head.

"Catch Dipper!"


"Wait, no! I can just climb down!"

Grenda gives Dipper the stink eye.


Dipper sighs. He doesn't trust that annoyance to catch him from 10 inches in the air, much less 10 feet. 

As Dipper climbs down, about 5 feet from the ground, as he transfers his weight to the branch his left foot is on, it breaks. 

As he falls, he just accepts it and crosses his arms. It's not too far from the ground, and he should have known not to climb down. But then Cipher catches him, like all the cheesy romance movies. 

"Well hey there. I thought you didn't want me to catch you."

Dipper yanks himself from Bill, obviously ticked off. 

"Alright. I'm here. What do you want?"

"Hmph. I thought you'd want a present from me."

"Why not Mabel? Shouldn't she be here too?"

"I had her present by the time of the party, but I have yours now and I wanted to give it to you before you leave."

Dipper crosses his arms, skeptical of the situation. He doubted what this boy said was true.

"Okay, okay- What if I-"


"Oh my goodness, Pines, hear me out-"


Bill huffs, annoyed, and starts again.

"If you let me give you-"


Bill then pins Dipper to the tree trunk and clasps his hands over the other's mouth.

"Shut up. Now, if you let me give you your gift, then I will walk away and not bother you for the rest of the night." He backs up, letting Dipper answer, not wanting to force anything more than he already did.

"That's not a great deal." Dipper smiles but hides it with his sleeve, knowing he's getting his payback from Bill being a bother.

Bill groans in frustration. He got off the wrong foot with this kid, just because his name is the same as Mabel's old bully that he doesn't even know. He just wants to just be friends. Is that a lot to ask? 

His parents just had to move to this town. Granted, there was mystery and monsters, but friends were harder to come by. In New Orleans, his house was in a neighborhood filled with people who had known his trace of family all the way back to his great-grandfather. Bill had a big group of good people with a hint of mischief. He never was lonely when he didn't want to be. 

A block away from Bill's faded yellow childhood home was a quaint, messy little snow-ball stand that also served ice cream, chili, hot-dogs- any other summer food you can come up with, they had it. Across the street was an amazing barbecue place, Blue Oak BBQ. He had so many memories of those places. Having his first crush on Dawn Helque, getting rid of his bullies in elementary, finishing countless novels he held dear as if they were his friends, hanging out with actual friends- so many memories. Too many to leave.

And girls. Most girls somewhat liked him. There were a few that like-liked him. He liked some of them back, but he couldn't hurt his buddies who got with them later. They always talked about it first, knowing that Bill liked talking things out maturely. But here, everyone judges and gossips instead of considering him as a fellow human being. No one went up to him and talked like he thought they would. It's a small town after all.

And he wants to blow up at Dipper. He shouldn't, but this boy was given enough chances. Way too many. Maybe Bill just puts up too many walls? Maybe Dipper likes to hang out with girls more? Wait- Dipper hangs out with Mabel and her friends too much. Pines is just too stubborn.

"That's it! You're so stubborn, can't you see?" Bill's eyes start welling up. "I know I can be annoying but I just wish you had the heart to open up to more people than your sister! Is it too much to ask the only other boy my age in this twisted town to be friends?" Bill rages, hurling the small gift box on the ground, then running away, tears trailing behind.

The three girls still sit on the branch. They couldn't hear a darn thing that went down. So they go down themselves after seeing Bill speed off and run on the road, presumably to his house.

"Dipper, what happened? We couldn't hear a lick of what he said." Candy climbs down first, being agile and all that.

"Yeah, why did he run off? Did he propose or something?" Mabel starts to put on her ballet flats which she left at the base of the tree before climbing up there in the first place.

The one in question shrugged, but still on the verge of tears. Was he really that stubborn? Does Bill just feel lonely?

"Looks like we'll have to find him tomorrow."

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