Chapter 2: Getting Down To Business

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The Speedy Beaver Bus screeches to a stop at good ol' Gravity Falls. As the twins wave away the smoke after stepping off of the bus, they see them.

Everyone in town stands there with homemade welcome-back signs. Dipper and Mabel could spot Soos, Wendy, Melody, Lazy Susan, and-

"Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford!" Mabel sprints to the Stans to hug them, Dipper trailing behind. 

"Ah! Kiddos! It's been awhile!" Ford chuckles.

"Kiddos?" Stan stares at his twin. 

"I picked it up from... You...Tube?" He looks at Mabel. "That is  what it's called, right?"

Mabel dramatically gasps.

"You took the modern classes! I'm so proud of you!" Mabel exclaims.

"What lessons?" Ford and Dipper chorus. 

"I asked Mom and Dad if I could set Ford up with lessons online about technology, and they said yes!" 

"Okay, okay, you guys are so loud!" Wendy teases, walking up to the twins and putting her arms around their shoulders. "I'm just as excited as the next person to see you guys, but everyone has already gone to Greasy's without us."

As the group walked towards the log-cabin-like trailer, Dipper looks around. Nothing huge had changed since last year. The town had restored itself after Pyronica and her henchmaniacs left through the rift in the sky. The only work to be done now was only emotional. 

Wendy looks the same and so do her friends, but the twins consider that a compliment. 

When the group piles into Greasy's, Dipper spots Robbie in the corner of his eye and decides to go greet him. It's been a year, how different can he be?

"Looks like little city boy is growing big, strong muscles like me, eh?" Robbie lifts his eyebrow, trying to rile the other. 

Dipper immediately turns around and walks back the way he came.

Nope, nothing has changed. What a waste of time. 

"Back in the good ol' Mystery Shack, eh?" Stan inquires. 

"Let's hope that Soos kept up the place." Ford scratches the back of his neck, a bit nervous. 

"Don't worry, boys, Soos is the best handyman I've ever seen!" Mabel marches into the Shack. 

Dipper followed, feeling pretty confident. Mabel is right, Soos is pretty awesome. So, he probably did an amazing job.

The three follow Mabel into the Shack, probably expecting the worst.

But they were wrong.

The Shack is perfect and spotless.

The wallpaper wasn't peeling, it looked replaced. The kitchen was stocked with food. The fridge was clean and didn't have any stains. 

The twins venture into the attic.

"It looks so clean!" Mabel exclaims.

"Soos is so cool..." Dipper mutters under his breath.

That night, the Pines family ate dinner together then went to their separate rooms to wind down for the night.

"Dipper, Soos even got new beds! He's so considerate!"

Dipper scribbles messily into his new Pinetree journal that he got from that other-dimension Mabel. He looks up at his sister. 

"Y-Yeah, I guess." He puts down the book and pen. "What were we talking about?"

"Dip-dop!" Mabel stopped and looked at the alarm clock on the desk. "I guess we should get to bed now. I really wanna go on a hike tomorrow! At sunrise, even!"

Dipper sighed and pulled the covers up to his chin and Mabel did the same on her bed. 

"'Night, Dipper."

"G'night, Mabel."

QOD: What does your favorite blanket feel and look like?

Mine is white with light teal blue little arrows and its your typical 1/2 inch fuzzy.

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