part six

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Skyes pov
Ollie was early awake and jumped on my bed to wake me up. ,, Good morning buddy!", I yawned and stretched myself. „Let's get some breakfast.", Ollie makes excited noises. I headed to my closet and dressed myself while Ollie turned himself into his beanie form. I put Ollie on my head and leave my room. Tina and Maya are sitting in the kitchen when I entered the room. „Good morning Girls!", I chirped. „Good morning.", both of them murmured tired. I make myself some cornflakes and sit next to Tina.

„Hey Skye, what do you think about (Y/N)?", Tina asks. „I think she's kind and I think she...I shouldn't probably tell you this. ",she mumbled the last words. „Tell us what?", Maya inquires nosey. Skye fetched her phone from her pocket. „I catched (y/n) flirting with... ", Skye stammered. „With whom?", Tina approaches her. „C'mon Skye! Spill the tea.", Maya convinced her. „... With the boss man's statue... ", Skye mumbled quiet. „Could you repeat that?", Maya asked. Skye shows them the video she has taken.

„OH MY GOD! SHE'S GOT A CRUSH ON MI.. ", Maya tried to shout but Tina silenced her with her hand in front of Mayas mouth while Midas entered the room. They looked at him grinning amused. „Good morning agents. Is something wrong?", he questioned confused. „No we're fine.", Skye responded nervously. „O kay.", Midas turns around to the coffee machine. Tina drags Skye and Maya to her room.

She closed the door behind her. „So (y/n) has fallen for the boss man. I want to make sure she really got a crush on him. Let's invite her to a Pyjama party!", Tina suggested. „Yes! We could also give her a little present. We have those recruiting posters downstairs.", Maya grinned. „We could let it sign by Midas and... ",,...draw lots of hearts on it!", Skye interrupted Tina. „I wanted to say we could frame it... but your idea is way better!", Tina agrees. „Then it's settled. Skye and me invite (y/n) and organize some snacks. Tina you get the poster and organize some markers and glitter glue.",Maya ordered. The three agreed with a high five.

(y/n) was getting herself breakfast in the kitchen. „Good morning. ", Midas greeted her. She mumbled good morning back to him. „You might need one of this.",he provides her with a cup of coffee. „Thanks.",she mumbled tired. Midas sits down on the opposite of the table and reads the newspaper. „Ah there's the person we have just been talking about!", Maya shouted while she and Skye entered the room. Midas glanced at them doubtfully. „(y/n) we wanted to invite you for a Pyjama party in my room.", Skye cheered. „Well if you haven't got any other plans for tonight.",Maya added.

„I don't have any other plans, yet.",she looked at Midas for an approving nod. „Well then it's settled.",Maya states whilen(y/n) takes a sip of her coffee. Maya and skye exit the kitchen cheering. „This will be a long night for you.", Midas commented frankly. „What are you talking about?", she questioned inquisitively. Midas puts the newspaper down and faces her with an intimidating glance. „The last time, they did a pj party, you could hear them giggling and their music playing till dawn. I wasn't able to sleep!", he sternly explains. (y/n) hastily takes a sip of her coffee and  burns her tongue. „Haah, that's hot!", she cursed. Midas chuckled and takes the newspaper. She gets up and walks over to the sink to grab herself a glass of water.

„Before I forget, you are going to gather intel. Peely will assist you in the office.",Midas remarked while (y /n) drinks the water in one go to cool her tongue. „Alright, boss man.",she affirmed. She was about to exit the kitchen but suddenly takes some steps back. „Uuuhmm, Midas?"
„Where's the office again?", she asked unsure. „You take the stairs on the left side to the first floor. Second door right is your and Peelys office.", he explained annoyed. „Thank you.", she said and exits the room.

„I hope the girls won't do karaoke again!", Midas mumbles to himself.

(y/n)s pov
I went to the office as Midas explained to me earlier. Standing on the door I could hear quiet moans escaping the office. I knocked on the door and the moaning suddenly stops. I waited a moment before peely opened the door. Brutus eagerly leaves the room. I looked at him confused. „I heard noises... So... I thought I should knock before I have entered.",I explained. „ Thats was a well thought decision you made.", Peely leads me into the room. „The desk on the left side is yours. Before you ask, yes I was making out with Brubear.",he confessed.

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