part thirteen

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(y/n) s pov
Some days ago Midas invited me to stay in his room as long as his best friend and wife are living in mine. Every morning I woke up next to the most beautiful person I know. He's pretty cute when he's asleep and sometimes he is snuggling with a teddy bear.

This morning was different. I didn't woke up in his arms like the last mornings. I get up and head to the kitchen where everybody was except of Midas. „Good morning guys.", I greeted them „Pssssssssshhhhhhht! Be quiet.", Meowscles whispered. They all assembled around a kitchen counter.

I walked near the counter to see what they were doing. „We're listening to Midas singing under the shower. He forget to turn off his earpiece.", Skye chuckled. I listened closely to the quiet sound of Midas singing.

„ Country roooaaaaads. Take me hoooommmmeee to the plaaaaceeeee I belooooong. ", Midas sings under the shower. „Why is he singing country roads?", Peely asks. „That song gets easily stuck in your mind.", Meowscles explains. „Wait guys, he starts a new song.", I shouted.

Everybody was silent and listens to Midas. „ I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world. Life in plastic it's fantastic. ", Midas sings. „You can brush my hair undress me every where.", Peely continued. „Imagination, life is your creation.", Tina continued. „Come on barbie let's go party!", Brutus shouts.

Everybody started to sing the song and danced through the kitchen when suddenly Midas entered the room. „What's going on here?", he shouted as he made his way to the coffee machine. All stopped dancing around the kitchen. „Nothing!", Brutus said. „It's not like we listened to you singing in the shower because you forgot to turn off your earpiece.", peely stated. „Peely!", everyone shouted except of Midas. „Did I hear that right!? You used the opportunity of my failure to hear me singing under the shower?", Midas questioned.

„Run?“, Peely whispered to Tina.
„RUUUUUN!“, Tina shouted and everyone except of (y/n) and Midas left the room. „So?“, Midas asked while he poured in some coffee.
„Uhmmm, like peely said?“, she answered nervous. „Hmmmm.“, he hummed and turned to face her.
She looked away to avoid his glance. „Could you come to my office in half an hour? I need to discuss with you about.... the Halloween party.“, he said. „Alright boss. See you there.“, she left the room.

Midas pov
I went back into my office to prepare myself for my confession. This will be the hardest thing I've ever done. I walked from one side to another. I am pretty nervous about what to say to her. Suddenly someone knocked on my door. I hastily sit down on my chair at my desk. „Come in. “, I cleared my throat. (y/n) entered my office. „So you wanted to talk to me.“, she sat down on a chair in front of my desk.

„Indeed there is something important I need to talk with you about.“, I started. My hands start shaking and drops of sweat run down my forehead. „Is everything okay with you boss?“, she cocked her head to the side. „I'm fine. Uhmmm I wanted to say... I have ffff...“, I tried to say. She looked at me confused. „I have a special job for you. Could you help Skye and Tina with decorating the agency for our annual Halloween party?“, I asked her. „Sure. It would be pleasure to decorate for Halloween. It's one of my favourite holiday. I also wanted to ask you something... “, she stammered.

„okay?“, I replied. „ Can I invite my best friend and his boyfriend?“, she asked. „You mean the one who screamed like a gorl?“, I questioned. „Yes him and his boyfriend. You can't know him but he's nice.“, she explained. „Of course you can invite them since everyone invites some of their friends.“, I chuckled. „Thank you boss.“, she smiled and leaves my office.

„Seems like someone has to wear a sexy nurse outfit!“, Drift jumped out of the vent. I pointed my gun at him. „Drift! You shocked me, I could have shot you.“, I shouted at him while I lowered my gun. „Sorry. I wanted to make sure you can't lie to me when I would ask you.“, he shrugged his shoulders. „Can't believe I agreed to the deal.“, I shook my head. „Well you fairly lost the battle and here's the price you pay.“, he layed the sexy nurse outfit on my desk. „Don't you think this dress is a bit to short for me?“, I questioned while I hold the dress in front of my body.

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