part 8 (smut)

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Okay before you start reading: This is my first time writing smut in english ^^" please be nice and tell me what you think about it or how and what I should improve.

Anyways have fun!

Midas has informed his agents that they could work from their rooms. So (Y/N), Maya, Tina, Peely and Skye decided to make a video conference.

„Well, how are you all doing?", Tina asked looking really exhausted. „I'm great. But Peely?", Maya inquired. „What's wrong Maya?", he replied. „You should tell your boyfriend to wear some clothes. Skye could see his wiener! ", Maya chuckled. Peely turned of his camera and mic for a moment.

Skye attends the conference. „Hey guys! I got myself some Cornflakes.", she munched into her mic. „Skye that's disgusting!", (Y/N) laughed.

„Sowwy. ", she replied with her mouth filled with cornflakes when someone else joined the meeting.

„Excuse me agents! I couldn't overhear your chitchat from my room on the opposite side of (y/n) s room.", Midas sighed annoyed.

(y/n) s pov
Midas is wearing his glasses. He looks kinda sexy with it. It seems like his golden eye would sparkle even more.
„Anyways, I haven't permitted you to stay in your rooms for a chitchat! Do your tasks!", he shouted and left the meeting. „Wow, he seemed pretty annoyed. Let's get back to work.",I stated and everyone agreed.

„Oh, (y/n) before we end the call! Maya told me you are writing fanfiction.", Peely grins. „Yes I do! But I normally keep them for myself.",I looked annoyed to Tina on the screen. „You should have considered about locking your laptop and don't leave it on the kitchen with the screen on! Everybody could have read this. Even you know who.",Tina winked and smiled. „Yeah I will consider about it next time. If you want Peely, I can send you my latest part later.",I suggested.

„Sure why not.", he replied. „Alright guys. See ya later!", I left the video conference and opened word. Damn what should I investigate again? Hm I better ask Midas before I make a mistake. I stood up from my desk chair and walked over to Midas door. „Come in.",he grumbled when I knocked at the door.

Midas was lying in his bed with his laptop and a box of skittles. „What can I do for you agent?", he tilted his head with narrowed eyes. „I apologize for disturbing your... Skittles eating session? I wanted to ask what I should investigate again. I'm exhausted so I forgot what my exact task was.", I explained stammering. „Don't worry, we are all exhausted.", his voice sounding smoothly. „Your task was to hack into shadows servers and write an report about what you find there.", he remarked. „Alright, thank you for reminding me again.", I smiled awkwardly and left his room.

(y/n) sat on her desk for hours trying to hack into shadows servers. „This seems interesting I better start taking notes for my report.",she mumbled and rummaged for a note pad in the drawer of her desk. A few hours later she finished getting all the information she possibly could find.

„Time for a nap. ", she yawned and lay down on her bed. Soon she was asleep and dreamt of something beautiful.

While (Y/N) was taking a nap Midas knocked on her door. He opened the door to see her sleeping. ,,Don't mind me, I'm just taking the intel with me.", he sneaked over to her desk. Midas searched through the chaos on her desk to find two files. He took the one with the ghost logo on it and left her room.

,,Hey, Midas have you seen (Y/N)?", Skye asked when Midas left her room. ,,She's taking a nap.", he sternly answered and walked of. ,,Guess I have to wake her up then.", she shrugs her shoulders.

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