part nine

125 5 35

(y/n) s pov

I head over into my room, throw the fanfiction onto my desk and buried myself under my pillows in my bed.
Damn that was embarrassing! How did he even get those. I should call Matt and tell him.

„(y/n) it's nice to hear from you!", he said his voice slightly in a higher tone.

„Hey Matt.. ", I sighed.

„What's wrong?", Sebastian asked.

„Are you both listening? Seriously Matt?!", I complained.

„Well yeah. We can talk alone if you want though. "

„No it's fine."

„So tell us what's going on
in your life. "

„Midas got a hand on my latest part of my fanfiction", I sobbed.

„And that's bad because?", Sebastian questioned.

„I used his name in it and it's a smut part.", I cried.

„Sheeesh that's embarrassing", Matt shouted.
„No that's awful! How did he get it?", Sebastian asked.

„I'm not sure. But I also have to tell you something else.", I staded.

„You have fallen for him, haven't you? ", Matt chuckled.

„How do you know?", I questioned shocked.

„Well you're pretty upset about him reading your fanfiction. Can you remember how you reacted when Sebastian found out you used his name for a smut part?", Matt explained.

„Yes, I can remember. I had a crush on him and... "

„And you reacted the same way you do now.", Sebastian interrupted.

„Princess listen. Go to Midas and tell him you couldn't think of any other name to use and that's why.",Matt demanded.

„What if this is getting awkward?", I panicked.

„Then you will have to live with it. Now be brave and get to your boss!", Sebastian ordered.

„Thank you.",I answered sarcastic.

„Yeah we love you too. Anyways do have time on the weekend to meet us at dur burger?", Matt asked.

„I might have time. I text you later about it. I'll go to Midas now. Bye"

„Good luck princess.", both said before I hung up the call.

Alright (y/n), you can do this! I walked over to the door and opened it. „Midas?", I asked shocked. It seems he was about to knock on my door, just wearing a towel around his waist.

„Hmmm hi.... Can I use your shower? I turned the water into..... "

I couldn't focus on what he said. I was staring at his bare tattooed chest. I haven't noticed his muscles before when he had clothes on. Damn this guy looks fine. Most amazing was, he got his name tattooed down to his chest.

„(y/n)?", he asked scratching the back of his head.
„Yeah?", I asked dreamy.
„Am I allowed to use your shower?", he asked again.

„Uhm, yeah sure why not! I was on my downstairs anyways.", I said nervously.
„Thanks!", he smiles and heads to my bathroom. I closed the door and walked to the lounge.

„(y/n)? Didn't you want to burry yourself in a pillow fort?", Tina chuckled. „Yeah I kinda wanted to do this, but instead Midas is using my shower.", I explained and throwed myself onto the sofa. „Why is Midas using shower of (y/n)?", Brutus asks. „I don't know. He explained it though but I was to occupied with looking at his body. ", I mumbled so hopefully no one understood what I've said.

„(y/n), Midas is using your shower. He will go back through your room and see your mmmmmh.", Tina tried to hint. „He'll her what? Do you mean a dildo?", Peely smirks. „No, I mean this glittery thing!", Tina tried to explain. „Oh, you mean that glittery thing on my wall.",I finally understood. The room was quiet for a moment „Holy shit! HE'LL SEE THE POSTER!", I screamed and run upstairs.

„What's so special about the poster?", Peely questioned. „You'll get to know soon enough. ", Tina chuckled.

(y/n) runs through the hallways, upstairs to her room. Midas was still in her bathroom, she could hear him humming a song. „Alright, let me get this from the wall.“, (y/n) walked over to her desk and gets on her chair to reach the poster. The chair is shaking and (y/n) lost her balance and rips the poster from the wall. She fell onto her butt with a half of the poster.

Midas stops humming for a moment and checked if he really heard a sound.
„Hm, was probably nothing“, he shrugs his shoulders and turns on the shower. He drops the towel and goes into the shower.

„Fuck, I destroyed it!“, (y/n) whispered to herself. She takes the other half from the wall and hides the poster in her closet before she leaves her room and heads back to the lounge.

Midas forgot to bring his shampoo from his bathroom. He rummaged around (y/n) s several bottles of shampoo. He decides to take the banana hair food.

„(y/n), you're back!“, Peely cheered. „Yeah, so where is Tina?“, she ask looking around the room. „Kaboom gorl went with adventure time gorl to get business done. She walked out 5 minutes ago. “, Brutus explains while skimming through a magazine.

„What kind of business?“, (y/n) asks.

„All I can remember is... “, Peely explains.

Tina's phone is ringing. She got a text from Skye.

Skye: Hey Tina, have you seen Midas? I need new sanitary pads.

Tina: He's showering in (y/n) s room. I know where he stores them. I'll bring them to your room.

Skye:Thx T.

Skye: just a thought but what if we steal all of Midas clothes and all the towels.

Tina: you really want to see him naked?

Tina gets up from the sofa and is about to leave the lounge when her phone rings again.

Skye:Na but (y/n) maybe wants to.      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Tina: Skye u r kinda weird. Let's do it

Tina laughs and head to the door of the lounge. „Where are you going?“, Peely asks nosy. „Me and Skye need to get some business done.“, she declares before she leaves the room.

Tina gets some sanitary pads for skye and walks to her room. „Finally! Let's get to work!“, Skye smirked.
„Yes gorl! “, Tina shouted. Skye and Tina both take a big laundry basket with them.
„Alright. You get into (y/n) s bathroom and take his clothes and I'll take all the clothes from his closet.“,Skye suggests. „Don't forget to take the towels with you!“, Tina reminds her. Skye gives her a okay sign.
Tina sneaks into (y/n) s bathroom. Midas was singing bad guy by Billie Eilish in the shower. Tina chuckled because of her boss singing in the shower. She hurried to take his clothes and all the towels from the bathroom and sneaks out into the hallway.

„Finished?“, Skye asked already waiting. „Yep. Where do we hide these?“, Tina inquired. „Let's bring them to my room. He'll never search them there.“, Skye suggested. The girls run to skyes room.

~End of flashback~

Tina and Skye enter the lounge giggling. „Gorls? What have you done?“, (y/n) raises a brow.

„Nothing! “, both of them replied giggling.

to be continued.....

Hey guys, so this part is late and also short. Sorry ^^" I'm currently occupied with moving out of my parents house. Luckily I have holidays so you can look forward to get some more parts during the week.

See you soon ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ

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