part eleven

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It's been 3 days since Midas went on his yacht. The agency was pretty messed up. Today Tina is cooking while Skye and Meowscles play Uno.

„Got ya Kitty bro!“, Skye jumped up and Ollie cheered for her.
„C'mon I want a re match.“, Meowscles insisted. „Fine kitty bro. So what's your bet this time?“, she inquired.

„I'll give you my golden yarn ball. In return if I win I may get Ollie for a day.“, he suggested. Ollie cheered while Skye considered for a moment.

„Fine! Then it's settled.“, they shook hands and played another round.
Tina reads in a cooking book while she was stirring the food she was about to make. „Something smells burned.“, she sniffed but before she could do anything the food on the on the stove exploded. The explosion pushed her against a wall.

Peely and Brutus were laying naked in their bed smooching around when they heard a sound. Peely fell out of the bed in shock. „What was that?!“, Peely asked. „That was probably kaboom gorl doing cooking again.“, Brutus shrugs his shoulders while peely gets under the covers. „You're probably right.“, he nuzzled against his neck.

(y/n) fell from the chair in Midas office. „Damnit. Can't they just be one day quiet?!“, she complained and get up from the ground. She walks downstairs to the kitchen. „Hey (y/n), how you're doing?“,Meowscles asks nosy while Skye lays down a card. „Don't ask!“, she shouted and continues her way to the kitchen.

All skye and Meowscles could her was her screaming at Tina. „What the hell?! How does everything you cook explodes? Clean that mess up, IMMEDIATELY!“, she screamed. One moment later she went back to Midas office.

„She's got temper.“,Meowscles remarks. „Yeah, just like boss man.“, Skye added. They continue their Uno match.

(y/n) throws herself onto Midas golden chair. „I wonder how he can handle this bunch of craziness.“, she mumbled and looked on her phone. „Probably like "I'm mydes! I'm a tall stick with golden hands! Look how I kill all those bad guys with my rooty tooty point and shooties". “, she made fun of him. „This is hilarious. I hope nobody saw me doing this.“,she laughed.

Meanwhile at the yacht. Midas chills on a sunbed enjoying a cocktail. A henchman brings him his laptop. „Sir, you wanted to see how everything is at the agency. You should consider not to watch.“, he recommended. „Screw that! Give me my laptop.“,he demanded. Midas opens the laptop and clicks on a program to look on the monitoring screen of the agency. He could see everything what's going on. „Hmm, (y/n) is in my office. I wonder what she says.“, he zoomed in and turned on the volume.

I'm mydes the mighty golden stick man! Watch me turn things into gold.“ „That was good imitation of boss. Now let me try.“, Brutus clears his throat. „I'm big sexy boss man! I like to eat Sa lads.“, both Brutus and (y/n) fall to the floor and laugh their ass of.

Midas gnashed his teeth. He zoomed out and looked at everything else. He noticed Tina was wearing singed clothing. „I consider she did the cooking! It's not like I hang a sign on the door to prohibit her ever going into the kitchen again!“, he shouted.

He also noticed some henchmen swimming in the lake around the agency. „I should never leave them on their own again! Henchman 253, pack my things together. We're going home!“, he demanded furiously.

(y/n) headed over to durr burger to meet her friends. „Hey princess, haven't seen you in a while. How are you doing?“, Sebastian greets her with a tight hug. Matt clears his throat. „Don't kill her with your tight hugs.“, Matt chuckles. „Don't worry, I'm fine. I've missed his tight hugs.“, she nuzzled into his shirt.

„Well then let's get something to eat.“, Matt demanded and holds the door open for his ladies (yes Sebastian is his lady as well 😂🙈). They sit down on a table next to a window. „Hello there, here is the menu. Can I get you something to drink?", Beef Boss asks.

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