Rhythm Is History

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This rhythm and clockwork balance was jolted off course courtesy of the History field trip, I didn't need to take my usual bag or wear uniform, there was no form either just gather outside and wait for the coaches to arrive, when they arrived we all got on board and I chose a seat a few rows from the front. Sitting on the coach looking at the light rain steadily fall, I have the feelings of excitement yet nervousness, after all this is the first Senior School day trip and I was apprehensive unsure what to expect being away from the classroom. My thoughts were mostly, hope we are not out in the rain and hope it isn't muddy, at this point I started to wonder where Steve was he can't be late! And panic started to set in as I didn't want to sit on my own during the coach journey or even worst have John sit next to me. Pulling my phone out of my pocked I checked to see if he messaged me but there was nothing and glancing at the small LED clock at the front of the coach it read 09:16 and we were due to go in four minutes! Looking around I noticed Steve come out of the main entrance walking with Philip and the sense of relief knowing he had made it was satisfying and he climbed on board and sat next to me. "Ready for today?" I asked "yeah but handing in that Maths homework before the coach this morning was a right rush!" He said frustratingly and what he had just said sent a shockwave though my mind and that horrible sinking feeling as you realise the situation, Maths homework... I had forgotten all about handing in my homework and there's now nothing I can do about it! The doors on the coach closed and I felt trapped, a prisoner "you hand yours in too?" Steve asked "what? Oh yeah, sure" I lied as I couldn't face the truth and the inevitability of a detention, a great start to my first field trip! Throughout the journey Steve went into great detail about the latest football matches and shared the big pack of sweet he had brought with me as I tried to keep up with the conversation. The rain got heavier as we approached an old mill which had been restored, it wasn't a particularly interesting day trip to learn about medieval times and all I could think about was why did this trip have to be on the same day we had to hand in the homework and why did it completely go out of went out of my mind? My usual routine was disrupted and in return I'm going to ended up with a detention, brilliant, just brilliant.

The next day was Maths, my only hope for the day was that the teacher would understand there was a filed trip and not to give me a detention for forgetting to hand in the work. I began to think should I go up to Miss Stone straight away or wait or maybe say nothing and hope its all just a bad dream? No I'm going to have to say something right away and hope for the best. At least its the first lesson of the day and quickly made my way around to the maths room hoping I'd get there before everyone else, the door was open so went in and then I remembered Miss Stone has a Year 7 form in the morning meaning the room was already fairly full, typical I though to myself. Putting my bag down on the usual table took out my maths book and walked up to the teachers desk seeing Mis Stone's frizzy hair from behind the computer screen "I was expecting the homework yesterday" spoken like she was telepathic "sit down, class will start in a minute" She said without looking away from the computer screen, as the room filled up I sat down reluctantly next to John who had arrived annoyingly. "Morning Year 7 here is your homework back, I'm very disappointed with the marks! Also there were some homework missing who never handed in the work?" I strained to raise my hand and to make it worse I couldn't see if anyone else put their hand up so it felt like I was the only one "Okay see me in a minute, everyone as the marks were poor work through exercise 3-8! now those who didn't hand in come up to my desk one at a time" I just jumped up not knowing if anyone else did the same and went to her desk "I forgot to hand in Miss" my voice was quite "Tut, tut" she said with a disappointed shake of the head "That means lunchtime detention! I have just sent you an email and it has also been added to your calendar so your form teacher can see. It will be in the room next to the staff room and I want you there at 12:30 it will last 30 minutes" "Okay, Miss" and I continued to stand there "go and sit down now and work on the exercises" I kept my head down as I went back to my seat and started the work unaware if anyone else went up. After a few minutes Mis Stone stood up "Year 7 just because there was a field trip doesn't mean you can forget to do the work, not hand it in or rush the work and make unacceptable mistakes! I want considerable improvements from everyone from now on!" And she started to go through examples with us a hushed silence descended on the room.

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