Used Towel

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After John chose to be an awkward git and claim my changing spot I stayed in my new position next to the archway and gladly Steve, Andy and James all moved to join me which made our friendship stronger. We were in our new usual places now, everyone to my left with and now with the addition of Noah who was next to James, another change was Mr Malcolm had left and we now had Mr Williams, he wasn't as bulky as Mr Malcolm but still spoke in a sporty way "Ruby on the pitch at the very back of the field it will be more sheltered from the wind with the trees" a solitary voice asked "Sir, can't we play football?" Mr Williams thought for a second "do you all prefer to play football?" There was a collective yes, I shrugged, just as bad if you ask me I thought. "Okay, collect the footballs head to the first set of goal posts" Mr Williams confirmed whilst locking the door to his room and everyone made their way to the pitch. I walked with my group, the clouds were dark and it was so windy our tops were rippling like mad and He ran up to join us "hey guys, I.. I umm do you have any space in your field trip dorm?" We let Andy take the responsibility "Hi sorry but we submitted the online thing today, but there is space for one more" He didn't take that as an answer "so I mean if its possible can I join you?" We all looked at each other and Andy look at Noah then me to get final confirmation "fine with me" I reluctantly agreed and there were no further objections from the others so Andy compromised "If you can sort it out with the teachers then sure you can join us" "YES, yes I will thanks guys! The dorm with the best students" he proclaimed and we walked as a group to the football pitch.

It turns out I'm ever so slightly better at football practice than rugby which is nothing amazing as anything is an improvement from terrible, at least I don't have to catch anything, one complication is that I'm left footed and everyone does perfect passed to my right foot which means I have to shift my feet and get all mixed up. "Okay class gather around, time to split into teams" announced Mr Williams and I just waited to be the last one chosen, which sure enough happened and we trudged through the mud to resemble some sort of positioning. The pitch had particularly large puddles of water which I was very aware of and made sure I was in an area that was clear of surface water and pointed out to Andy he was too close to the muddy puddles but it was too late he went for a tackle, water splashed large and far, Andy and the other boy got covered "oh crap!" yelped Andy, the visual experience gave a shiver down my spine as murky brown rain water splattered like blood from a horror movie and the sound resembled a wave crashing against rocks, poor Andy. As the match continued and I was the usual observer sinking in the mud again the rest of the team was further up the pitch the only player behind me was the goalkeeper and across the other side of the pitch was someone from the opposition team stood slightly in front of my position, I thought now why is he stood there? Odd? The opposition team won the ball and the boy on the other side of the pitch screamed "I'M ONSIDE LONG BALL" They hit the ball high and long the wind helped to send the ball further as the boy ran onto the pass rounded the goalkeeper and scored he decided to slide in the mud to celebrate, the fool. Some of my team came up to me "what are you doing?!" Mr Williams broke them up "Leave him" looking at me "keep up with play or you will play them onside and they will score okay" I nodded and thought he has said more to me after a few Games lessons than Mr Malcolm did in two years.

Eventually the whistle blew loudly and the team I was on lost 1-0, thanks to me, meaning I will be the last one to be chosen to join a team right through until Year 11 now I guess. We all started to make our way back to the changing rooms across the mud and through the wind which felt like the wind you get when standing on a promenade looking out to the sea during winter. Everyone looked cold and muddy, except me I was clean, even Andy looked a mess after his confrontation with that puddle, nobody was talking as if the experience had broken us. A voice from behind me could be heard "wait up!" Looking around it was Him and couldn't comprehend how He could end up so muddy, putting a hand on my shoulder to slow me down then quickly removing it, I was weary what He was about to say "do you have a towel?" He was slightly out of breath as his hair blew about in the wind making it look ruffled and messy and I thought why ask for my towel? "umm yep should be one in my bag" my hesitation was clear "can I borrow it?" He looked at me in a way which made me loose track of my thoughts "hmm, well, I don't know" He could see I was unsure and turned to Andy and Steve "do any of you guys have a towel I can borrow?" Andy looked over still clearly not happy about the events during Games "No! I'll need it" Steve added "you're gonna use the showers?" "Of course! Look at me I'm a mess!" Andy's voice had a hint of venom in his words this made Him reverted His attention back in my direction turning away from them and onto me "there's no other spare towels, yours is the only one and you are not going to use it so please let me borrow it" his brown eyes looked deep with concern "okay" I reluctantly agreed "Great! Thanks I'll grab it when I'm going in the shower, have it ready" I just hoped it was still actually in my bag and anyway there's a chance he might end up changing his mind and not need to use it.

We staggered into the changing room and scattered to our positions, His spot was through the archway, my head felt like it was humming thanks to the wind, Andy had quickly taken of his soggy top, shorts, boots and socks and was stood in his briefs and my eyes couldn't help but look over discreetly ensuring Steve didn't become suspicious, Andy picked up his towel and headed to the showers, this distracted me from looking for my towel for Him and it totally escaped my mind so proceeded to take my top off and suddenly He appeared from around the corner he was naked mud highlighting the divide between where His shorts would have been and where His legs would have been exposed to the elements, His hands cover himself shyly yet purposely. The surprised shocked feelings felt like they were too much for my mind to process also the fact I had just taken my sports top off meant I was just wearing shorts added to the crippling awkwardness. My eyes scanned His body reregistering every detail down to the minuteness beads of sweat, the softness of His face, chest, He was wasn't muscular a usual body, a perfect body, my eyes went down and He could tell I was visually absorbing this moment in time and this must have eased His initial shyness and confidently He moved His hands away to behind him and I saw everything, He was standing so close, naked and I saw everything. My breath shortened and heart raced "Towel! Quick!" He said to break the spell "Oh, yes, umm" my mind was disorientated as I scrambled through my bag thinking where is it, He must be getting cold, where is the damn towel, eventually pulling it free from the bottom of my bag He grabbed it quickly, placed a hand on my back said thanks and went into the shower room, I didn't glance in that direction instead I sat on the bench and slowly untied my boot laces as taking my shorts off right away would have been embarrassing and I need to calm down and work out what was going through my mind, if anything. My head was now humming like mad and my mind felt misty as the steam from the showers starting to cloud up the changing rooms, I gathered my thoughts by focusing on putting my uniform on as Andy returned from the shower this time I resisted any urge to glance over and started to put my tie on. Shortly after He returned from the shower with my towel around His waist, He stood close to me "thanks" and removed it revealing His naked body to me again as if this was a sign of trust "here you go" He said softly "your towel."

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