Life in the Fast Lane

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It's been busy I have handed in my Manga comic Art project and it looked good which made me happy yet it was still nice to have finally finished it. He also finished His project, the collage looked amazing with all the Year's messages and signatures surrounding the group class photo, it also incorporated newspaper headlines and news events which really represented a time capsule feel. Also we performed our Drama play to the class as part of our GCSE assessment, I felt nervous throughout and it was reassuring to have Him with me. Everything went as planned during the performance and couldn't have done any better, the whole class gave cheers and clapped when we finished also the teacher looked impressed. The feeling of starting to cross of things as now completed is such a good feeling as it gives you the reassurance progress is being made and not just constantly waiting for things to happen. The lead up to the Easter break had now begun but first there was just one thing to get through and that was the second sports day and I was taking part. When I've been round to His house the last few times we talked about the sports day and the options to get out of it but I couldn't lie about being ill so the only choice was to take part.

Sports day had dawned, the weather was pleasant for April and the sky was clear. Around school there was an extra buzz of excitement added to the fact it was the last day before Easter break there were no lessons just wasting time playing sports. Outside the changing room was so busy as all the boys from the various years were waiting to go in, Steve turned to me "was difficult to find a spot to get changed last time we need to get near the door" nodding in agreement we signalled to the other guys as we edged our way to get as close as possible to the entrance. Suddenly Mr Williams opened the door and blew his whistle getting everyone's attention "Right there's limited space so move right up and use all pegs. On the wall are a reminder of the order of each athletics event and when they will take place" I had remembered when my race was going to be, the last one! So why I had to get changed now was a mystery, Mr Williams continued "when not competing watch and cheer your classmates, each event will go in year order. It's going to be a clear day so we there shouldn't be any problems, okay get changed quickly and make space" we piled into the changing rooms and it there was just enough room, lots of noise, shouting and laughing as I just focused on changing as quickly as possible blocking out the pandemonium around me. Sitting on the bench my shoulders were right up against His and Steve's making it a little uncomfortable and awkward. We all made our way onto the sports filed which had now been painted with a running track and we sat in the middle waiting for our event to be called out, all the Year 7's were well behaved in contrast to the Year 8's who were rowdy and the rest of the years not really caring. Whilst we were hanging around my mind started to think over the up and coming exams and the first one was going to be French speaking I was happy about this as it was a good one to get out of the way. "Hey isn't it your 16th birthday soon" Steve broke my thought process "oh yes in a few weeks" I sounded uninterested "we should do something!" Steve gestured to all the squad as he spoke, in reality I wasn't really keen on the idea of a party or anything as deep down I knew everyone would be thinking about exams and might be too busy for my birthday. "oh not thought about it, got no plans" I replied reluctantly "you should do something!" Steve insisted it was easy thinking of what to do on his birthday we went to watch a football match, the team he supports, in the end I quite liked looking at the players in their shorts even if it was freezing sat there. As for the other guys Noah just had a family party and for Andy's we went to the cinema followed by Pizza Express, for His birthday that is in August and wondered what he would do? Guess I could say cinema but it might sound a bit repetitive so for now I just said I'd let them know if there were any plans.

It was time for the last race the 100m which was my race! First up was the Year 7's as I joined the back of the group of students who were taking part, as each race finished I felt more and more anxious. It quickly became my race and went to the starting position, looking along the line was Him, Steve, Andy, Noah and another boy who I never spoken to and we prepared to start the race waiting for the signal from Mr Williams. With the drop of his arm we we off and I just ran flat out as fast as possible, it felt like an escape from all of the tension of school, a release of my emotions, I pushed my efforts even more as running along side everyone I could sense we were all pretty much the same pace and virtually level, if it was on the TV it would have made for a thrilling race, closing my eyes I thought of Him the journey we have gone through and how he looks after me and is understanding which made me feel overwhelmingly happy like nothing can stop us as we crossed the line, a photo finish if we had the technology instead we had to rely on Mr Williams judgement. The result ended up to be Him, Andy, Me, Noah, the other boy, and Steve, I was thrilled to come third and I immediately when over to hug Him after congratulating each other I wished Games would just be a few seconds every week. I was given a bronze sew on badge for third place and He was given a little trophy for first place.

The last weekend in April and it was my 16th birthday I agreed to meet my friends to celebrate after being persuaded to do something, a few happy birthday messages at school would have been good enough for me but I guess being sixteen everyone wanted to make a big deal about it. This year my birthday was on a Saturday so at least I didn't have to go into school, that was one of the worst things about a birthday at the end of April it usually meant having to go into school! Actually deciding on what to do for a birthday with friends was a tricky decision as I didn't want everyone coming around my house and I had already ruled out the cinema so thankfully Dad suggested go-karting which sounded fun and something the others would like too. We all met outside the karting place, me, Him, Andy, Steve, Claire and Jen and I was greeted by a chorus of birthday wishes and headed inside "Im going to kick your ass" He whispered in my ear "provided you don't cheat!" I decided to provoke him a little bit "Well you know what happens if I do" He replied devilishly. The track allowed six karts on the track and we had to put racing suits on and a helmet, struggling to fasten mine He came over "I'll help" and I could feel his hands brush my face. As it was my birthday I was allowed to be first on the starting grid and everyone else chose their karts and we were all set waiting for the lights to turn green. The peddles were easy accelerate and break and with my foot hovering over the accelerator peddle excitement went through me, quickly glancing around and hearing the noise of the mini engines hum in anticipation. The lights went green and we were off, the course had a long straight which went up to a turn through a tunnel onto another turn and down a ramp to the back straight before a large corner onto the home straight. This was exhilarating for the first few laps but twelve was pushing my tolerance levels to the maximum plus I was last and having difficulty overtaking Claire. In the end Steve crossed the finish line first followed by Jen, He was third, then Andy, Claire and Me, it was good fun yet still glad it was over. After the race we had a group photo and decided to jump as the picture was taken, the picture looked amazing and thought I'll pin it to my bedroom noticeboard. After this we caught the bus and headed into the town centre along the way I was teased for finishing last in the race but resisted by saying I'm not allowed to be teased on my birthday! Arriving in the town centre we walked around for a short while trying to think of the best place to eat and pizza express was the unanimous decision and we all jovially took our seats around the table, I'm sure everyone knew we had entered! At this point Jen brought out from her bag a present and handed it to me "so what we decided to do was put money from everyone together to buy you this! A card is with it too! Hope you like it, Happy Birthday!" and she gave me a friendly hug as everyone else wished me a happy birthday too. Shyness came over me all of a sudden yet I smiled and started to open my present first, peeling the back the paper tentatively so I could savour the moment to reveal a T-shirt from the shop Jen likes, the design was white with a colourful picture of Kylie on the front and it looked fabulous "OMG this is so cool I love it! Thanks so much guys!" making sure I looked around at everyone "well yes you needed some style in your life" Jen sharp as ever with the sarcasm and we all laughed. Then next I opened my card the picture on the front was of a cake with the letters happy birthday in the icing, everyone had written inside and He wrote:


Have a Happy birthday!!




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