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The Easter break felt like it passed in a flash as the day dawned for returning back to school, the holiday was good being able to go to the cinema with everyone and hang out at His house. There is nothing worse for ruining the good feelings of being off with returning to School with Games on the first day back, also today was the deadline for handing in my Art project idea, on Wednesday we all have to present to the class, my idea was okay but might need a bit of refining and hoped Mr Kelly will be able to guide me more when I submit my work. Meeting Adam at the bus stop we started to walk to school "Hi, ready to hand in Art?" Adam asked, he looked too happy for the first day back "Yep all set might be crap but will see. Are you all set?" I kept looking down whilst speaking "Yes, going to do a contemporary painting, yours won't be crap" Andy enthused "Nice one" I smiled "Cinema was good fun, do anything else for the of the holidays?" He really did have a lot energy, "Homework mostly, oh went round to His house once" I said flippantly in the hope a big deal wouldn't be made out of it, all it did was raise more questions "Really? That's good what did you do? Biology homework?" The sly smile was lost on me "No, played Playstation games and ate pizza" I laughed "Brilliant, sounds like you had a good time hope you didn't let him win!" Andy insisted "It was competitive haha" I said whilst also looking to Andy to say don't worry I wasn't a push over and he looked back and nodded in a way to acknowledge I didn't let myself down.

After submitting our homework we arrived in the form room just in time and greeted the rest of the squad, briefly chatted about the movie and settled down for form and assembly. During assemblies we all sat in groups based on your year which meant this was the opportunities for the other forms to sit together, which might not be as good as it sounds. I was able to sit next to Him in assembly and we smiled at each other as we took our seats, directly behind me was John and I winced at this proximity. As the Head Teacher started talking there was a nudge on my chair this nudging became more forceful and more frequent and I could feel my chair beginning to move as the nudges turned into kicks, John was kicking my chair from behind making it and me slide forward. Desperately tried to shift the chair to the side or back but it was no good John was applying the most pressure as my chair started to move on an angle, looking around the hall all the teachers lined the walls like we were in some military camp yet not one of the saw the petty behaviour of John, why are teachers so obviously oblivious, this increased my frustration as I tried to manoeuvre free. The silence of the students was suddenly broken with a stamp followed by a yelp was heard. Looking around He had stamped on John's foot which was stretched out to push my chair, Mr Grant gestured both of them to leave the assembly, looking around as they left the defining image was John trying not to lip in pain as he walked out of the hall with Him and Mr Grant. He ended up with with a three day suspension, I felt humbled that He would do this for me, the guilt overwhelmed me and just couldn't look him in the eyes when He told me the decision, I desperately wanted to hug Him but resisted as it should have been me stamping on John defending myself and taking the punishment not Him! To intensify my guilt further John got nothing only sympathy from the teachers and he was the one causing this mess in the first place, there's no justice.

"It's the millionth time you've said sorry to me since this morning! Don't worry it's fine! I'm use to detentions anyway" He insisted again like he has been all day "but this is different, its a suspension which is serious! And feel so bad you're taking the heat, sorry" this was the only way I was coping with guilt by saying sorry an annoying amount of times, he just looked and gave a smile "I have appealed their decision so it might be changed tomorrow, lets see" He smiled in a way to say satisfied? And started to get changed for Games. We now get changed next to each other and both discreetly glance over at various stages of undress, with anyone else I would feel anxious and self conscious at this point yet knowing he was looking at me gives me a reassuring feeling. John was allowed to sit out Games this week due to the over-exaggerated near fake death injury he received, at least he won't be on my team to annoy me even more.

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