Counting Down The Days

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The next morning I woke early to catch the showers while they were empty, any later they might get too busy and this would make me feel too shy so was enough motivation to wake me up. As I woke my eyes looked over to him sleeping in his bunk, sadness and guilt attacked every muscle as the realisation what a fool I've been, pushing him away like I have. It took every effort to make my body move and just wanted the bed covers to swallow me into oblivion yet I knew I didn't want to share the shower room with anyone so discreetly collected my things and towel and delicately closed the door behind me as not to disturb the others. The showers were indeed empty, on the floor there were plain cream non-slip tiles with eight shower cubicles divided into four on each side, these were joined together with frosted plastic doors and a divider in-between each shower although it would be possible to see over the divider and see someone's head and shoulders even right over the top if you went close enough. Also your legs are visible too as the divider didn't go down to the floor so not completely private, this reenforced my decision to get up early. The shower was good as my skin tingled from the warm water, dried off, put my boxers and t-shirt on grabbed my stuff and went back to the dormitory, slowly opening the door as not to create a noise "Up early?" I looked up He was awake and was please that he is still talking to me at least "Yep thought I'd get a shower before the others wanted to use them" I whispered placing my things on my bed. Suddenly like a bolt of electricity from my mind sparked me into action "Umm can I sit up there with you?" He sat up revealing he wasn't wearing a top and kept his legs under the covers yet I could tell he had them crossed to make room for me "Sure" he whispered and I climbed up and sat opposite crossing my legs too, sometimes eyes can be so mischievous as they wanted look down at his chest but fought this temptation as my mind was thinking keep focused! I could see his thin necklaces clearly now though "Thank you for looking out for me during games you're a good friend and I'm a dumbass for not realising it... so I'm sorry! Are we cool, friends?" Without my mind registering the fact he put his hand on my knee "sure mate, John is the dumbass not you" He smiled, I move to jump down and paused to turn around and continued "oh, never did go to book club, it sounded boring that's why I didn't want to go not because of you" smiled and jumped down to be greeted by the annoying sound of the alarm James had set on his phone.

Everyone started to get ready and there was lots of chatter in the area outside as boys went to and from the showers and their respective dormitories crossing paths as they went, it was a totally different atmosphere to the tranquility of this morning as there was an excitement towards our first full day at the manor. For me I was counting down the time, just three more nights, just three I thought to myself whilst sitting on my bed letting them stress about getting ready on time in an increasingly chaotic environment "hey, you're smart getting ready first" Steve shouted out jokingly pulling a t-shirt over his head which had a zigzag strip on the front like a flash of lightning, I laughed and teased the guys for a bit "5 minutes then we have to go for breakfast" and looked over the timetable for the day wondering what the humanities class would involve. Noah opened the curtains to reveal a grey sky, a sky where it looked like one huge cloud I'm sure it had a name but I wasn't paying attention in that class, it wasn't dark but not particularly light either. Jumping down put my shoes on and grabbed my hoodie "lets go!" I said looking around at everyone then Andy hesitated "wait a sec" with a slight panic in his voice and started to look for his door swipe card, eventually finding it under his towel "okay all set" and we walked as a group through the courtyard, the path had puddles from last nights rain and the grass in the centre looked muddy, here we saw other students starting to leave their dormitories and make their way to the restaurant for breakfast, we all followed each other in exception of the day ahead. My group and Claire's all sat at the same table again although this time I sat next to Him and on his other side sat Jen, Jen was wearing a black T-shirt that read Cute But Psycho, on my left was Steve and opposite was Andy, everyone still within easy talking distance which was good, although I was still my usual quiet self mostly listening to what everyone else were saying. As I sat there my mind was thinking of how to include Him a bit more and not to ignore him especially after last night "are we gonna be in the same groups for morning classes?" I quizzed "yep same groups now for rest of week" Noah answered the quickest "ah got ya so we can sit together" I said looking at Andy then to Him and Jen "oh that would be nice! let's do this" smiled Jen "good idea I'd like that" He said trying to restrain a smile whilst looking up from is breakfast "that's a deal and maybe you guys could explore with me and Andy when it's photography this afternoon? I mean if you wanna do your own thing...what do you think Andy" I didn't want to come across as bossy all of a sudden "sounds like a plan, maybe we can come up with a few ideas if we work on it together" agree Andy, Jen nodded "oh my god I have no ideas so absolutely!" And He nodded too, at which point Mr Grant stood up "EVERYONE! Day 2 and hope you slept well Year 9! it's a busy day ahead! This morning you will go to the same rooms where you met your groups and will have a humanities lesson, the subject will be rotated each day and the first one will be with your group teacher, so for example if you are in my group you will be with me and the lesson will be Geography. Okay lessons start at 10am collect your bags, QUIETLY, from the dormitories and make your way to the same rooms as yesterday! See you in 15 minutes" there was a hum of murmured chatter as everyone made their way back to the dormitories and He gently said to me "today sounds fun!"

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