Hold on Tight

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The dawn of a new day was emerging, sitting near my bus stop after getting off the bus, I was waiting for Andy so he can join me on the walk to school, we have been doing this everyday since last week and its been good having a friend to walk with. It was looking like it was going to be a bright day with a few gaps in the clouds and you could tell the hostile chill of winter had definitely passed. Seeing Andy approach "Morning, pal" jumping down from the small wall I decided to sit on and picking up my bag "Hey I'm so tired!" He sighed as we started walking along the road towards school "Just two weeks then easter break. Maybe we could all go to the cinema or something you know Me, You, Steve, Noah, James and Him, what do you think? You could always ask Claire to join us too" Andy teased with a glint in his eye "oh leave it" I laughed "cinema sounds good though let's do it!" It has been nearly a week since Claire asked me out, we haven't mentioned it again and I'm just glad we are still friends and chat in class when sat on the same table, although I can't help feel there is still something not quite right but that could be me just over analysing the situation. The nearer we approached the school the busier it became with cars of panicked parents dropping off their kids, school busses arriving and the corridors full everyone heading in various directions. We made our way to the form room, said hi to our friends as we entered and sat at our usual desks waiting for Mrs Smith to arrive. Andy turned around and Noah did the same as Andy announced "listen guys I was thinking we could go to the cinema one day during the easter break what do you all think, Claire you can join us too" Andy glanced over to me with a cheeky grin "Thanks, I'd like that, can Jen join us?" Claire sounded pleased to be included "Sure thing I'll let you see if she wants to come along, if that's okay with you Claire?" Claire nodded, I turned around and smiled, my eyes flicked from Claire to Him, he was looking at me and smiled back "What film are you thinking of?" She asked "Not sure yet, let's just pick a day and time and see what's on" Andy back in organisation mode again I thought "Sounds good" added Noah and the rest of us agreed, then Mrs Smith entered the room "Morning 10S!" Andy quickly added "cool I'll get on the group chat so we can choose the day" whispering as not to interrupt Mrs Smith before we headed off to the first lesson on a Thursday, Science.

John is still sitting opposite me in Science, unfortunately! I try and be as salty as possible during any conversations, our teacher Mr Ralph was busy preparing a DVD to show, which was causing some difficulty, Mr Ralph had messed up hair that sometimes stuck up, he would always wear a shirt, a horrible old fashioned tie and trousers and would tuck the tie into his shirt which always made me think why bother wearing one in the first place. The classroom was laid out with three benches in the middle of the room with two benches either side surrounded with stools, in the centre of each bench was a sink and tap. The teachers desk was at the front with a smart TV and also whiteboard, around the room there were lots of plastic storage boxes for various things such as goggles. In the far corner was a plastic skeleton hung up which Mr Ralph called Eric, it was amusing when in Year 7. Meanwhile Andy was busy looking at his phone to see what was on at the cinema, then He joined us and started to get things out of his bag "Cinema is a good idea, be fun going with you" he was looking softly at me but sounded nervous yet happy "Yes its going to be fun!" Moving some of my things over to make some more space for him, the workbench was a bit squashed, three of us in a row "Are.. guess you're glad Claire is joining us?" Geez I thought, nothing is private in school, nothing "Im glad we can all go together" was the best answer knowing Claire was sat on the other side of the classroom and anything negative would've spread like wildfire, also I was pleased we could all go, this answer made Him smile and relaxed a little for some reason. John picked up on the conversation "who's going to the cinema?" He said, I frowned "we are" John's eyes narrowed slightly like an animal ready to attack "why would anyone would want to go to the cinema with YOU!" The look on his face was nauseating "at least I've been asked to go, unlike you!" I felt pleased with my come back comment He then leaned over to John "I'd go to the cinema with him" his voice was determined and strong, John glared at Him "who is asking your opinion? Go kiss my ass, actually you would like that wouldn't you" John hissed and this felt like it was a mortal blow to Him as he leaned back into his seat next to me "There seams to be A LOT of chatter Year 10, quieten down the DVD is now ready" Mr Ralph demanded, I looked over to Him to make sure he wasn't too badly upset and gave a reassuring smile, He glanced over and nodded but said nothing "Okay class I want you to watch this video, listen carefully and make notes, its about 30 minutes" Mr Ralph dimmed the lights and started the DVD. After a few minutes the film paused and Sir jumped up and pressed play and it continued then a minute later it paused again this time Sir took the DVD out of the smart TV and cleaned it with his sleeve, there was a mummer of giggles from the class "Quieten down" Mr Ralph didn't sound amused as he put the DVD back in, found where we were up to and pressed play, after a few minutes the DVD started to scan through the film x3 speed at which point Mr Ralph stopped the DVD and turned on the lights "LOOK year 10! Whoever has connected their phone to the TV's bluetooth CUT... IT.. OUT.. if it happens again you will all be having evening detention because you are going to watch this film through until the end without any disruptions if you like it or not! do you understand!" Mr Ralph's voice boomed across the class and there was sounds of 'yes Sir' sheepishly accepting the situation "Okay for the last time if there are any interruptions again detention for everyone!" He pressed play and I thought whoever the wise guy was they had better stop it! This time there was no interruptions and I made as many notes as possible, the film was a program about plant cells and photosynthesis, it was difficult to listen and write quickly enough to keep up with the information but I ended up with about a page of various bullet points and key words and rested my hands on my paper relaxed with the information I have. As the film ended Mr Ralph turned the lights back up and I noticed next to me He hadn't made any notes and I looked at him in a way to say why? He looked blankly back at me and I thought maybe the way John had spoken to him was still on his mind. Mr Ralph turned on the computer to reveal two questions "I hope you were making notes, tonights homework! I want you to answer the following questions, your answers should be based on the evidence provided in the film, hand in tomorrow morning" there was a distinct tone of disgruntlement in Mr Ralphs voice, this prompted a scuffle of noice as the class looked through their notes "Can I see what you've put?" He asked quietly whilst looking directly at me "sure" looking back at him smiling and he reached out and placed his hand on mine and gently moved my hands back so he could see what I've written, instead of letting go he stayed holding my hands and this didn't unnerve me or make me feel awkward in anyway, the warmth of his touch was nice like a therapeutic feeling tingling my skin, how soft he was towards me, I let him to continue to hold my hand and looking down moved my thumb so I could touch part of his hand as signal that everything is fine and he slightly applied a little more pressure as he started to write down the notes I had written, glancing at him he stayed focus flicking his eyes and moving his head between my work and what he was writing as not to draw attention to is other hand holding my hands tightly yet delicately. The moment made me feel like nothing else and nobody else was going to annoy or disturb us again, a dreamworld where I thought back over every time we were together, every word he had said to me, looking out for me, wanting to be in the same dormitory, the towel, the hug and deliberately talking to me and seeing me in the showers, maybe he has been trying to say he likes me all along and for the first time I've actually worked out the jigsaw. My feelings didn't react with sadness and guilt like when Claire asked me out this time I feel excited, free, happy and a smile was on my face without me knowing and I wondered if he is having the same experience, yet deep down I knew he was in the same dreamworld with me. He slightly caressed my hand with his thumb which made me realise this dream was a reality "OOOOH!! HAHA" John was pointing at us and laughing loud and obnoxiously and like a reflex action He quickly moved his hand away and the dream was shattered, looking down I quickly glanced at Him who's facial reaction was pure embracement, then glanced to Andy who hadn't seen what happened but still glared at John who was reacting like he had just seen something incomprehensible yet to me it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

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