The Kids From Yesterday

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Results day dawned, I think my parents were more nervous than me, and headed off to the school for the last time the weather was bright and sunny and the warm summer sun energised me. Surviving the exams gave me a great sense of achievement yet is was something I wasn't in any hurry to repeat. As the summer went by my mind focused with excitement towards college, the subjects waiting for me are Drama, English literature and Creative Writing, to make things even better Max will be with me for Drama and Creative Writing, Claire will be in Creative Writing too and Jen will join me in English Literature.

The end of year school levers Prom happened, initially my mind was set on not going yet the amount of grief I got from Max and Claire became too much and eventually agreed to go. Honestly in the end it wasn't that bad, Me and Max went together, he looked very handsome wearing a black suit, white shirt and glittery tie also he was able to wear an earring which was silvery and sparkled when it caught the light. I made sure I was wearing the Kylie t-shirt my friends had bought me as a birthday present with a suit jacket and trousers, "Nice t-shirt Fred!" Jen commented "some style at last" we laughed "I have the fashion queen to thank for that" I added "fashion devil" Jen quickly changed my words which were more appropriate for her style "you're looking fab as well" retuning the compliment, Jen was wearing a purple dress which had a tartan style check patters which came to just above her knee with white shoes and black eye shadow. Jen and Claire came together and hoped that might be a thing yet afterwards I found out that Claire and Steve danced together which is so sweet and made me happy, maybe swapping desks during form helped a little bit. Although this also made me a sad for Jen as I could tell it looked like she has had a crush on Claire for a while now and got the feeling she might have hoped they could have been dancing and dating. As for me and Max we are good after the exams we've been enjoying the extended summer break knowing we were free from School and Games forever, it felt so carefree and thrilling having the pressure of GCSE's lifted, the final grades didn't concern us, all that mattered was the good times we were having. A couple of times I stayed over at Max's which was fun, for Max's birthday he just invited me so we could hang out for the day and caught the train down to the coast so we could chill by the sea and afterwards I stayed over. A few weeks later after Prom I stayed over at his again and well I'll let you make your own mind up what happened but all I'll say is that his bed really is comfy and cosy when two people are in it. I feel very lucky that Max is so understanding with me and allows me to go at my own pace, one step at a time.

Arriving at the school gates, Max was waiting for me so we could both go in together, it was at this moment nerves hit me, my mouth went dry and palms became sweaty. Entering the hall students and teachers were all in little huddles excitability discussing the results, I momentarily caught the eye of John but made no effort to talk to him, hopefully this will be the last time I ever see him again. The hall was arranged with tables around the edges, each table was designated with parts of the alphabet and you had to go to the table for your name, this meant me and Max had to join different queues. As I waited the tension increased wishing we could hurry things up a little, after what seemed ages it was my turn, stating my name I was handed an envelope and hurriedly went to find Max "All set Freddie?" He asked with a mix of nervousness and excitement "yes!" I replied and we opened the envelopes and read out our results in unison. The relief was eminence and we hugged each other, the shared emotions was like electricity sparking between us and in front of the classmates and teachers we kissed and kissed again the joy was overwhelming and I didn't care if anyone was looking. The closeness of his body felt reassuring and protecting as we then joined our whole squad of friends and compared grades, congratulated each other and excitedly chatted. My grades were good, A in Geography, Drama and Art, these results made me so thrilled especially for Drama and Art! B was for Maths, English, Science and C for French, pretty decent all round. Mr Kelly approached "well done everyone! You're all going to do just fine with the grades you achieved! Fantastic!" Mr Kelly as exuberant as ever "I'm very proud of all my Art students especially for achieving great marks in your project! They were well thought out and unique. Freddie it was a nice story you came up with which you successfully conveyed in a manga style, well done" my story The Race Against Time was based on two guys realising they liked each other just before they met their fate. "Where's Philip?" Mr Kelly continued, he sounded more excited than us! "Fantastic A star grade! Your question mark sculptures were stand out and represented the theme questioning excellently, your work will be displayed around the classroom, you should be very proud!" Thinking about the grades I achieved my mind began to think of Max and how different life would have been without him by my side to get through it all, turning to Max "I feel very lucky we had detention together all them years ago, get the feeling it was meant to happen" now my voice was calm and sensitive, he looked and smiled "I feel the same Freddie, it was meant to happen" Then we hugged and I didn't want to let go. We then heard a voice it was Claire coming over "you two are looking happy!" And we both congratulated her on the straight A's she achieved and gave each other a friendly hug "how's things with Steve? Heard you two danced the other day?" "Oh we're fine just friends we might date, will see" Claire's voice sound vague "ah right I see, well you do know Jen likes you?" I tried to sound as casual as possible "Really?" Claire replied whilst glancing over to Jen.

When it was time to leave School for the very last time Jen paused for a second "wait guys this needs to be played!" And reaching for her iPod she turned the volume up loud as My Chemical Romance - The Kids From Yesterday, filled the hall, we all cheered giddily and start to make our way out into freedom leaving the music echoing in the hallways. I had learnt so much during my five years at Senior School but the most important thing I've learnt about is love and embracing life, no longer do I feel like I'm sinking in the mud. Me and Max hugged once more and held hands tightly as we left the School building for the last time ready to take on the world together.

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