Chapter 16

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'Tis I .And so our journey begins.  A journey of lies and excitement. You were not as doomed as I to keep telling this tale and surely more fortunate. The boy at least had all he wanted . He could do all he wished to the flower. The poor rose and she would not expect it . Loss of ones self was a terrible and tragic thing and so is this story. If  fate  Would have it, I would have brought my unborn limbs and stop this tragedy but I couldn't  and I'm saddened to tell you this tale .

    I woke up and it was morning . The boy, I forget his name let me stay here . In this pretty room. It was purple like . A grand purple. I didn't know where I was though still. I didn't go  outside yet. I wanted to at least bathe myself but when I woke up  and tried to get up. My body pushed me back down. I had no energy or  strength . My body was weak. How long was  I here for .  How long has it been since my legs touched the ground.

Hours after, I tired pushing myself up with what looked like a curtain tier or holder. Whatever those things are . The dangly rope thing that's mostly gold in color and used for curtains . I think that what their use is . As I grab that rope to help me stand. I hear  a loud cry , startled by it . I trip and fall down on the floor.

Suddenly a bright colored bird comes in, ". You rang for me. Madam" it says  

Rang. For him?. Before I could answer this question. The boy himself comes in with a shell thing. I think you call it a cart. It had food on it . And in his hands he had some things. A scissors and other tools. 

". My dear " he says. ". Did you know what it is that you pulled "

". A curtain tier ?" I reply in response.

The bird and the boy startle giggling with laughter. They couldn't help themselves

". No, my dear ". He says looking at me patiently. ". It's a ringer . You pull it when you want something either from the bird or from me ". He adds lastly. 

". Yes sir". I reply .

". I'm not sir my dear ". He finishes ". You may call me Dear, love or sweet names but if your not too comfortable you may call me Master ". He finishes . 

". Master " seemed to suit him well.

   ". Master " I repeat. 

   " yes ?"

". Are you cooking anything outside or is the sky just red here ". I say pointing out of my window to show him . 

He looks at the window. Wide eyed and teeth clenched. Maybe this man is a mass murderer . Who can look at this pretty sky and become angry . I like smoky red. If that' s even a color ? I can't remember .

Interrupting my thoughts . I hear him shout 

". Sebastian, Sebastian !!! " 

". Master ? ". He questions flying down and entering the room from wherever he was. 

". Sebastian, why is our house on fire ?" He spits.

". Master , it was not me. I wouldn't even dream of it . I ..."

". Silence " he seethes. From his clenched teeth. 

". Take the girl to the forest . Keep her in the tent". He says .

". But master .."

". Go Sebastian! It's an order. I will take care of this myself. If she is harmed. It will be you on fire next . Clear ?"

The poor bird nods his head. Then that is the last thing I can remember or how far back I can recall the events in proper succession. The rest is jumbled up in my head . It happened so fast.
The red color was seen from outside . 

You would think it was the garden burning or the outside but it was the library. The books were now starting to burn. As if the words on the page were written by the devil himself and he wanted them back down under with him. To meet their maker.
Sebastian grabbed me l though I do not know how and told me to run and follow him. It happened very quickly.

". Ma'am , you need to run. I will fly and you must follow my direction. This won't take long ."
". And the boy ". I ask .

He doesn't repeat my question or even attempt to answer it . I see him lunge into the air swiftly and begin to flap it. I start running . I cant remember if I had shoes on or not . I ran as fast my petite legs could take me .

 In about 10 minutes we were surrounded my plants and things. There was no house anywhere to be seen. it's like we were in the middle of nowhere. The bird flys down with some thing under he's flap. Drink this and sit here . He tells me .
I give him a questioning look. 

". Ma'am , please sit on this rock , drink this and wait here . I shall return after I help master ".   

I nod my head in silence and take the weird thing . It was pink in color and funny tasting. I take the vile and drink it. Then sleep. I knew I was given something to make me sleep but it was better than sitting up and worrying for someone you don't even know that well. And then it happened pitch black.

The boy in the gardenWhere stories live. Discover now