Chapter One: The Bet

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[Y/n]: Your name

[L/n]: Last name

[F/n]: Friend's name

[N/n]: Nickname

[S/n]: Sister's name

It was a chilly October afternoon, where at a place called Henderson High, [Y/n] [L/n] opened her locker, grabbing her backpack; it had been a long day, it was as though each fifty minutes was at least two hours!!! She was ready for Friday...Even though it was only Wednesday. She was about to close the locker until suddenly;


[Y/n] turned around, smiling slightly as she finally closed her locker.

"Hey [F/n]"

[Y/n] turned around to see [F/n] pouting.

"Aww, I thought for SURE I'd get you THAT time!!!"

"Welp, you tried" [Y/n] giggled at her best friend's antics.

Everyday at school, she'd sneak up behind her, and attempt to startle her...but it's never worked. [Y/n] slunk her bag up over her shoulder, and began walking, [F/n] right beside her.

"So besides trying to scare me, what are you up to?"

"Well, as you know, exams are coming up"

"Let me guess, you stayed up all night studying?"

[F/n] pulled her hair.

"Exactly!!! So why am I still so nervous?! I shouldn't be nervous!!!...Do you have any coffee?"

[Y/n] rolled her eyes.

"C'mon [F/n], exams are a huge deal! It's normal to be nervous!"

"Easy for you to say, [Y/n], you're FEARLESS!!!"

"Or so she CLAIMS!!!" called a voice behind them.

[Y/n] cringed and turned around, seeing a boy surrounded by his posse

"Fuck off, Alex!!!" Y/n exclaimed.

Alex only smirked.

"Hmm...Yeah, I guess your friend's right, Goths ARE pretty fearless"

"I'm not a Goth, moron!!!"

"Ohh, so listening to 'Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical' doesn't make you Goth?!"

"Jekyll and Hyde is a timeless classic!!! And people LOVE musicals!!!" [Y/n] growled.

"Aw, leave the freak alone Alex, it's not HER fault she's socially challenged" One guy taunted.

Alex snickered.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, we'll leave ya be [Y/n]...for now"

Alex walked off laughing loudly, herding his posse behind him like sheep.


[F/n] put a hand on [Y/n]'s shoulder.

"Don't listen to him [Y/n], he's just bullying you because you refused to go out with him"

[Y/n] sighed and shook her head; in her opinion, 'Freak' was a strong word, but she was definitely an outcast to almost everyone else in the school...Mostly because of her interests. She watched 'Jekyll And Hyde: The Musical' at least twenty times, read more horror stories than one could count, and would watch any movie with the words 'Tim Burton' on it! But despite all this, [Y/n] wasn't Goth, or angsty at all! In fact, she was quite the opposite. She was compassionate and caring, but no one cared or one except for [F/n].

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