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My father looked at me with a flat stare. I hated when he didn't respond to me. Even though I hadn't said anything to warrant his silence.

"Dad," I called, waving my hand in front of his face. "Did you hear me?"

"I heard you, but I wish I hadn't," he said, turning his chair away from me.

I groaned as I flopped back on his bed. Why was he being so difficult? James had already given me his go head with Pen, and the only one left to persuade was my father. Isaias Lowery was a brick wall when it came to trying to sway him.

"It's not like I said 'I'm pregnant and we're eloping'." I threw my hands in the air as I spoke. "We're dating now, and I'm happy again."

Dad shook his head at me as he stared at the television. He swiveled his chair back around, then leaned over on knee with his elbow.

"I'm happy you're happy, but why couldn't you be happy with a boy your own age? What happened to that other lil white boy?"

My back stiffened at the mention of Kyle, even if it wasn't by name. Sitting up from the bed, I pulled my hood up over my head. Dad gave me a confused look, and I let my shoulders slump foward.

"I dumped him." I pushed my hair back with both hands. "We weren't really working out."

"Why not try a Black man?"

"Dad!" Once again I groaned at his words. "Narcissus and I, we work well together. He's become a large part of my life, and I need you to accept that he isn't going anywhere."

The look on my father's face was the same one he had given me moments ago. A blank expression had taken over his features, and his eyes stared off as if he were far away somewhere. With a slow blink and deep inhale, Dad wheeled himself closer to me. Our knees touched as he stopped directly in front of me. Grabbing my hand, he rubbed his thumbs over my knuckles as he looked me in the eyes.

"Tell me, what do you see in this man? Why is he so important to you? Convince me."

What did I see in Pen? And what could I tell my dad to make him change his mind about him? A small smile played on my lips as I stared down at our hands.

"Everything." My heart beat a little faster as I thought of Pen. "And I know that's not a real explanation, but it's true. I see everything. He's the beginning, middle, and end to my day: my sun and moon. Narcissus is all the joy I never knew I needed, the beauty in the world I hadn't discovered yet.

"When I look into his eyes, Dad," I squeezed his hands tight as I took a deep breath. "I see happiness. He cares so deeply about me, and he doesn't have to say it for me to know it."

Letting out the long breath I took, I waited for my father to say something. There was a smile on his face as he stared at me.

"You really love him?" He asked, and I returned his smile.

It was something I couldn't deny myself anymore. The truth had always been in front of me, but I was too scared to accept it. Now, there was no hiding it.

"I really do."

Bringing my hand to his lips, my father kissed the back of it with a little pat. He rolled his chair back, then folded his hands in his lap. With a slight shrug of his shoulders, he nodded his head.

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