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Luke grinned as he heard the garage door rumble open. He placed the finishing touches to his master piece, then scurried over to the front door leaning seductively on the wall. He quickly smoothed his hands over his outfit, shaking out his newly cut hair before returning to his previous positions. His boyfriend opened the door and shut it, flicking his keys onto the small beat up entryway table.
" Hey, baby how was your....."
Luke beamed as Ashton trailed off, his eyes blown wide. Luke watched him take in the skin tight black skinny jeans, the pale blue silk tank top. Luke would have worn heels, but with him being 6'2 and his boyfriend only 6'0, he'd be towering over Ashton. Ashton gets very defensive when he feels like Luke is towering over him.
" I made your favorite. Chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, homemade rolls." Luke strolled up to the slightly smaller man, worried as Ashton still stared with a blank look. " We don't usually sit down and have an actual meal together. I thought..." Luke trailed off looking at his black nail polish. He was in trouble. He should have just made sandwiches or something.
Luke gasped as he felt Ashton grab his ass and yank him close. He giggled as his boyfriend peppered his face in kisses, his shaggy black hair tickling the sides of his face.
" Don't get so worked up my love. You know what silk dose to me." Ashton whispered into Luke's ear.
Luke whimpered as he felt his stomach drop and his abs tighten. Ashton kicked off his shoes and led Luke into their small dinning room. Luke pulled out a chair for Ashton and kissed his cheek as the older man sat down. Luke skittered back and forth from the kitchen, grabbing their meal. He served Ashton first, then himself. He grinned as Ashton moaned into his first bite, winking at Luke to show his approval. The two ate in silence for a bit. Nothing was heard but the clinking of glass and the sounds off classical music drifting in from the stereo.
" So, tell me, how was your day off?" Ashton said around a mouthful.
Luke picked up his wine glass and pouted, thinking over his day
" I cleaned around the house a bit, visited my brother ben, set all this up. I mostly relaxed." Luke nodded sipping his wine.
" Were  you a good boy today?" Ashton said, staring directly at Luke now.
"Yes sir" Luke whispered, suddenly very interested in the wine inside his glass.
Luke heard Ashton hum, before he heard the scrape of a chair. He watched Ashton walk over out of the corner of his eye. Luke looked up curiously as Ashton stood over him. Ashton suddenly swooped Luke out of his chair and swung him around. Luke squealed and clung to his boyfriend for dear life as the man bounded up the stairs. Luke shivered as his boyfriend growled in his ear.
" Good boys get rewarded."

Michael gasped as he dove behind the couch, Nerf gun clutched to his chest

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Michael gasped as he dove behind the couch, Nerf gun clutched to his chest. He pushed his dirty blond hair out of his slightly sweaty face and tried to calm his breathing. He peered over the couch and squealed as a bullet sailed his way. He ducked, barely missing the offensive pice of rubber tipped foam and began to aggressively army crawl towards his boyfriend's office.
" Hey, Michael no, office is off limits!" His boyfriend yelled.
" Never said so" Michael grunted giggling as another bullet missed.
Michael rolled inside laughing then screaming as he glimpsed his boyfriend charging at him. He scrambled up and loosed his weapon, bullets flying left and right. He backed himself up against a book case, slowly realizing that Calum had waited him out and now he was empty with no where to go.
" I said, office is off limits Michael." Calum growled, stepping into the room and aiming his gun at his boyfriends chest.
Michael couldn't stop his giggling as he flung himself to his knees wrapping his arms around Calum's legs.
" Please kind sir, I never meant it, I was joking around. I wasn't actually shooting to kill. How could I, a mere boy, want to kill such a fine specimen. Such gorgeous tan skin, big beautifully sculpted muscles! And your eyes, like pools of of chocolate and HEY, THAT HURT!!" Michael yelled, slapping a hand to his forehead.
He whined, rubbing the spot where the bullet had assaulted him, eyes shining. Calum frowned and helped him up hugging Michael to his chest. Michael sighed contently, nuzzling his face into his boyfriends chest.
"Are you happy now? Can I please return to my work?" Michael looked up as Calum smirked at the tired sweaty man in his arms.
" But I WANT SNUGGHMMFFF!" Michael giggled into his boyfriends hand as it pressed harshly into his mouth.
" Michael Clifford, stop yelling." Calum chided.
Michael licked his lips as Calum released him, going around his desk and sitting down.
Michael quietly got on his hands and knees picking up the little tubes of foam. He stood after some time, looked at Calum Hood and whined  again, arms loaded with bullets and guns.
" Michael please, we had three Nerf wars, I took you out to eat, and we made cookies. I'm sorry baby boy, but I have to get this report done. Go put your toys away, and get ready for bed. I'll be in in just a bit, ok sweet pea? Calum peaked over the top of his desktop at his boyfriend.
Michael hesitated, then nodded, turning on his heel and making his way across the living room to the hall that led to their bedroom.
" And Michael, for gods sakes, please take a shower. I don't want to have to wrestle you in there tonight. You're a grown man, not a child. You can't take a bath every time!"Calum called from his office.
All that was heard in reply was Michael's giggles.

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