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I refuse to quit on this story, mostly because it's my main story, so here's another chapter! Like it or leave it ya dusty chinchillas
Luke laid on the bed panting as Ashtons newly replaced record carved it's way around the room. The had just finished a very heated session when Ashtons phone rang. He had quick pulled on a pair of boxes and one of Luke's many silk robes before stepping out of the room. Luke sat up and looked into the vanity mirror across the room. He gasped as a gallery of hickies blessed his sight. He worked tomorrow dammit! Not that he minded, but Serria worked with him tomorrow and she would be relentless. She wasn't mean, actually a really good friend, but she loved teasing Luke about, well, everything. He looked over as Ashton stepped in the room again. He frowned as Ashton turned off the radio and threw off the robe. Ashton pulled out a baggy red see through sweater and roughly tucked it into black skinnys. He whirled around and Luke sat up at the amount of pure rage in his eyes.
" You came onto Michael?? You put him into little space?? WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING LUKE?!?" Ashton roared, chucking a hairbrush at Luke's head.
Luke squealed and scrambled out of bed just in time. He awkwardly grabbed a pair of boxers and struggled to put them on as Ashton surged towards him. Luke screamed and jumped onto the bed and lept offthe other side. He yanked open the door as Ashton attempted to grab his hair. Luke cried out as a handful of hair was torn from his scalp. Tears blurred hir vision as he stumbled down the stairs, desperately trying to get away. Ashton had never EVER been so angry before and Luke was genuinely afraid. He skidded to a stop and grabbed a not so subtle cream colored robe. It covered the important stuff and that's all Luke needed.
"LUKAS ROBERT HEMMINGS!! GET BACK HERE AND TALK TO ME!!" Ashton bounded down the stairs, not understanding why Luke was running. Yes he was angry but he would never hurt Luke. At least not purpose. Luke wrenched a car key off one if the many hooks hanging in their entry way and yanked open the door to the garage. He sobbed in relief, seeing that Ashton had forgotten to close the garage door again. He jumped in the car and fumbled with the keys, choking on his breath. Ashton had never hurt Luke, not in a way he didn't like, but the rage in his lover's eyes was severe enough that at this moment, Luke feared for his life. He screamed as a loud thud made him drop the keys.
" Luke open this door right now! I swear I just want to talk!!" Ashton was sobbing now, desperately trying to get control of the situation. Luke finally started the car, and threw the it into reverse, not caring if he crunched some toes. Luke herd the tires scream in protest as he rolled out onto the street. He threw the car into drive and stomped on the pedal. He couldn't see much in the rear view mirror, but he could make a the figure of a man kneeling in the driveway as his one and only drove away without a second thought.

 He couldn't see much in the rear view mirror, but he could make a the figure of a man kneeling in the driveway as his one and only drove away without a second thought

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(OMG I have no idea how I got that to work!!)
Luke sat an the navy blue leather couch and sobbed into Harry's shoulder.
"He chased me around the room, actually threw something at me! It was terrible," Luke gasped, trying to control his breathing. He had showed up at his friends house drowning in his fear, exhaustion, and pain. Harry and Louis had silently taken the scantily robed man in, already having talked to Irwin on the phone. Harry had lent the man sweatpants and a sweatshirt, him and Luke being closest in hight. Louis ordered Chinese food and made some tea, in hopes that some takeout and a hot drink would soothe the man. But as he sat down opposite Harry and Luke, it was clear the guy was still shaken up.
" I mean, Sure we had kinda just met them but I really think there was a connection. Ashton didn't even give me time to explain. I've never been afraid of him ever, but I really thought I was going to throw up my heart it was pounding so fast." Luke broke down again, hiding behind his hands in shame.
Harry rubbed his back while shooting Louis a worried look. In all their time knowing Luke, he never sobbed. Whined, yes. pouted, yes. Child like silent treatment, a Luke classic.
To see him actually crying, scared the two more then they liked to admit. Luke sniffed, desperately trying to wipe away the tears that never seemed to stop. He smiled weakly at his friends, attempting loosen up the thick atmosphere.
" Well, I think a hot shower and a warm bed will do ya some good." Louis said, standing from his place on the couch. Harry nodded snd stood up as Louis offered Luke a hand. Luke sighed and accepted, not realizing how tired he really was. Hopefully Calum and Michael were doing much better.

Sorry, things have gotten a little nutty at home, but the next chapter will be proper💕

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Sorry, things have gotten a little nutty at home, but the next chapter will be proper💕

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