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I'm having major writing block right now, so my apologies my little brotatoes😎 I mean like, what do you do after sex? And I know y'all love smut but this is not a nakey wankey party. Sorry if that crushes some of you😔 Anywho, shall we?
Michael dragged his pointer finger down his sleeping boyfriend's biceps. He had no idea what the hell happened last night. Calum had been texting furiously and then next thing he knows he was watching Luke get wreaked while  Calum has worked Michael into a very blissful orgasm. Michael wiggled closer and Calum wrapped an arm around his waist. Michael smiled softly as he watched the sun slowly creep up the sky , illuminating the small bed room in a soft yellow and pink light. He felt Calum shift beneath him and his breath deepened.
" Good Morning kitty, you sleep well?"
Michael shivered at the deep bass of Calum's morning voice. He nodded, keeping his eyes to the windows, afraid Calum would see his anxiety in his eyes.  He felt long, thick fingers work their way into his shaggy hair and tug until green grass meet fresh rich dirt. Michael smiled nervously at the blank look then sighed as an unimpressed eyebrow was raised.
" I don't like Luke." Michael whispered, eyes watering at the thought of last night. At the way Calum had watched the beautifully pale boy gag on his dominant. See both dominants so intent on Luke made Michael feel unloved.
" Awww kitty, I very much prefer you. So soft and warm. So pale and bendy." Calum whispered in Michaels ear.
Michael flushed, pressing his bare legs together. He giggled as Calum's fingers traced delicate circles on the tops of Michael's thighs.
Michael was so intent on Cal's fingers that the sharp tone of his boyfriends phone made him jump. Chuckling, Calum hit the speaker button.
" Hello, Calum?" Michael frowned at the unmistakable voice of Ashton Irwin.
Calum tucked an arm under his head and used to free hand to rub Michael's stomach, seeing the unease on his face.
" Yeah, I'm awake. Just incase you were concerned that you might have woken me up." Calum smirked.
" Ha, yeah! I was wondering if you and Michael wanted to get breakfast and then go shopping. Luke's desperate for a new shirt and he just found out that he..."
There was a scuffle and several yells and then a door slammed. Michael sat up and stretched, popping his back. He swung his feet to floor, shivering as Luke began to screech into the phone about his nonexistent eyelashes. Michael shuffled to the bathroom listening to an amused Calum try to convince Luke his eyelashes were perfect and to hand the phone back to Ashton. Michael looked at his few makeup products on the bathroom vanity and guessed Luke was out of mascara. Michael brushed his teeth and sighed, knowing he was about to have to spend most of his day with Luke. Calum walked in and wrapped Michael in a hug.
" Be a good kitten and we'll do something special for dinner, ya?" Calum hummed before getting into the shower.
Michael tilted his head, but Calum only smiled.
Michael watched as Ashton laughed, his curls bouncing as he threw his head back.
Michael looked at Calum who was chuckling ,hand hiding his mouth. He turned to frown at Luke was smirking, as he finished a story of how he dislocated his thumb in high school with a set of cuffs and had to hide the fact from his mother. Michael wasn't quite sure why he disliked Luke. Maybe because Luke was so confident. Maybe because Luke just knew how to easily navigate a conversation. Maybe because Luke was everything Michael wasn't. Tall, thin, fashionable, outgoing. The list just went on and on and....
Michael jump as Calum nudged him in the ribs.
He'd been glaring at Luke while lost in his thoughts. Again.
" sorry, I spaced out." Michael mumbled picking at the skin around his fingers.
Luke shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee. Calum kissed Michael's temple, squeezing the man in a hug before turning back to his mug of tea. Michael looked down ag his cup of apple juice and sighed. Calum loved him and that's all the mattered. A bubbly waitress came and handed Ashton his credit card, bidding them a good rest of their day. Luke clapped his hands, giggling as Ashton handed him his card. He gave Calum a look, who chuckled. Luke lead the three out into the mall, hands poised dramatically on his hips as he slowly spun. Michael adjusted his beanie and snuggled into his boyfriends side. Ashton cooed and poked Michael cheek, snickering as the green eyed beauty flushed hiding his face in his boyfriends chest. Luke suddenly took off, target located. Michael groaned as they walked into a Sephora, not at all surprised when a group of blond bubble heads squealed Lukes name. He disappeared with them around the corner and it was then Michael realized he was alone with Ashton. He whirled spotting Calum four aisles down looking at nail polish. Michael hesitated, not sure if Calum wanted him next to him.
"Pssssst" Ashton beckoned Michael over to an array of bathBomb.
Michael reluctantly walked over, pushing his glasses up his nose. Ashton held out two different boxes of bathbombs. One was pinks, purples, and blues. They were shaped like roses, and smelled like them too. The other said 100% Recycled and each one was a different sea Animal. It smelled like warm summer nights and sea salt. Michael shyly pointed at the sea Animal one and Ashton grinned, nodding firmly as he  tucked the box under his arm. He tugged Michael over to a selection of body oils and lotions. Michael was officially uncomfortable.
" So, wanna tell me why you dislike Luke so much?" Ashton hummed, picking up a vial that had rose petals floating in the pale pink liquid.
" I don't hate Luke..."Michael trailed off,  watching as Ashton twisted the top of and gave the bottle a delicate sniff.
" Dose Calum punish you for lying." Ashton smirked down at the flushing man.
" Lukes just...." Michael huffed, as Ashton picked up a small hand lotion with sunscreen" everything I'm not" Michael hung his head.

" Michael huffed, as Ashton picked up a small hand lotion with sunscreen" everything I'm not" Michael hung his head

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So!! What do we think!! Please let me know I love feedback I love criticism!! it's all learning experience. Sorry this took so long lovely little salads

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