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HI 5SOS GANG!! This chapter is dedicated to the two readers who are ...reading? Yeah, thanks😘 Smut in next chapter 🤷🏽‍♀️ who knows
Michael sighed as he watched the rain storm rage outside his work. He was an assistant manager at a small vintage record store downtown. It's not that Michael didn't like his Job, the place was practically made for him. It's just lonely. They only had two employees and they were both High schoolers so their availability was limited. And Michaels boss was a cheap sleaze who refused to hire anyone else. Michael adjusted his posture on the stool behind the cash register, and hummed. He had brake in an hour but it felt like eternity. No one really buys records, and then add the rain. Only one person had come in and they hadn't bought anything. "Just looking". If Michael got a dollar for every one of those, he and Calum could move to Miami. The bell above the door rang, yanking Michael from his thoughts. He started in shock as Luke walked in, looking around with a blank look on his face. Michael Immediately sat up straight, fixing his baggy olive green buttondown. The movement caught Luke's eye and the same shock that had graced Michael's face a few seconds ago made itself present on Luke's. Michael offered an uneasy smile and Luke seemed to relax, chuckling to himself.
" Why am I not surprised Clifford." Luke grinned.
" It's warm and it pays well. And I get to choose the playlist so.." Michael shrugged." Looking for something specific?" Michael asked hopefully.
" Yeah, Ashton's got a record player and I accidentally dropped his Nine Inch Nail album. He said it's fine but he's had that one since.." Luke paused crossing his arms as he thought.
Michael smiled watching as Luke scrunched his nose in thought. The man looked stunning in a clearly effortlessly thrown together outfit. He wore black and white striped pants with black tank top tucked in. Over that he wore a light jean jacket with a fur collar. He wore plain black boots, and his nails were painted a pastel pink.
" so do you think you'd like to suck dick or eat ass Michael?" Luke smirked as Michael came too with a start.
" I....ummm..what?" Michael Stuttered, embarrassed at being caught with his head in the clouds.
" The album Sin by Nine Inch Nails, do you have it?" Luke asked, completely ditching the previous question.
" oh, uhh, yeah! Over here." Michael lead the way into a couple aisles over. He began skimming the rack as Luke watched, the air feeling a bit thick in Michaels opinion. He pulled the red vinyl cover from the shelfs and then speed walked to the register. It's not that Michael didn't want to spend time with Luke, it's just that Luke still made Michael a little uncomfortable. Michael scanned the album and told Luke the total, placing the album in a plastic bag. He held the bag out bidding Luke a good rest of his day. Luke looked up from putting his wallet away and instead of grabbing the bag, he grabbed Michael's wrist. He stepped around the counter and pushed Michael into the back corner.
"Luke! What.... ouch!" Michael yelped as Luke shoved him against the back counter. He jammed his right leg in between Michael's legs, the other being used to force his body onto Michael, minimizing the smaller mans movement. Luke began to bounce his leg, creating a delicious friction to Michael's Crotch. He pinned Michael's hands above his head, and smiled sweetly down on the pale dirty blond man.
" You never responded to my question before Kitty. Ass or dick?"
Michael gasped feeling dirty but loving the friction. This was wrong, but god did it feel good. He moaned and snapped his hips forward, rutting himself up Luke's leg. Luke's blue eyes darkened and he pulled his leg away. Michael whined and thrusted forward, trying to make some sort of contact.
" No kitty, answer first" Luke teased.
" Calum doesn't let me eat him." Michael blushed furiously, not sure why he was having this conversation.
Luke hummed and then roughly yanked Michael around. One hand continued to hold his wrist and the other supported the two as Luke began to dry hump Michael into the counter. Michael whined as his pants became restricting. He shivered as Luke whispered in his ear.
" it's been a month? That we've known each other now? And I don't miss the way Calum looks at me. Or the fact that I'm loving your juicy ass right now. So whadya say Michael? Wanna date? All of us?"
Michael moaned and leaned forward, putting more pressure on his dick. Luke worked his hips faster, groaning at the happily blissed out man in front of him. Michael Mewled as he came, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. It was all Luke needed to finish in his pants as well. He lowered Michael onto the stool and grabbed his bag.
" Think about it, yeah?" Luke winked, flicking some sweaty blond curls off his forehead.
Michael nodded, shocked at what he let happened. Oh Calum, what now?

 ******************************************** Michael parked his car in the driveway and sat there, thinking about Luke's offer

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******************************************** Michael parked his car in the driveway and sat there, thinking about Luke's offer. He looked at his and Calum's house and promptly burst into tears. He had cheated. One hundred percent. He had let Luke work him up until he orgasmed and as far as Michael was concerned even though neither man had really touched the other, it totally counted. Michael could feel himself slipping, and he didn't care. He got out of his car and walked into the house. Michael grabbed the little wooden marker hanging with the keys and flipped it from the black side to the pink side. He stumbled up the steps desperately trying to keep his sobbing to a minimum. He pushed open the door to his and Calum's play room, and began to undress. He pulled out a soft peach colored jumper from the back of the closet and slipped it on. It was purposely bought to be big on Michael and came a bit above his knees. He then pulled on knee high white socks. He grabbed a nook and stuffed it in his mouth, sucking furiously. He grabbed his lion Daniel and walked back downstairs, flopping himself onto the couch to wait for Calum. Michael switched between sobbing and sucking, cuddling his stuffie to his chest. Calum came home soon after and froze seeing the marker switched to pink. Michael almost never came home feeling little, which meant something bad had happened. Michael whined and reached for his daddy, desperate for some cuddles. Calum shredded his suit jacket and loosened his tie as he walked over to his baby peach. Michael snuggled into his boyfriends chest as he sat down immediately feeling calmer. Calum cradled Michael, stroking his back and placing kisses all over the soft males head. He had to be patient  with Michael, had to let the male come to him.
" I was naughty daddy. I did bad tings taday." Michael sobbed, finally pulling the nook from his  chapped ruby lips.
Calum nodded and patted Michael's back; sometimes Michael thought he was naughty but really was just over thinking.
" Luke wants us all to date! Hecameinlookingforashtonandthenicameallinmypantsandiwasadirtyboybecauseilikedit" Michael gasped, choking on his words as he sobbed.
He looked into Calum's face as his tears streamed down his chubby cheeks.  Michael squeaked as Calum simply picked him up and he trembled at the punishment he was about to get. Michael squeezed his eyes shut and held tighter onto his boyfriend whimpering in fear. He opened them in shock as he heard the water from the tub splash into the base. He let go of Calum and scrubbed at his tear stained cheeks, confused at the care he was getting. Calum held out a bathbomb tray to Mikey and he sniffed, seeing it was the one Ashton had bought on their first shopping trip. Michael shyly pointed to a pink dusty rose sea horse. Calum plunked the creature into the tub then began to strip Michael's clothes. Once the pale man was nude Calum helped into the tub, then walked away. Michael cocked his head, then felt a wave of terror as he heard Calum's phone dialing.
Surprise!! Started to show some actual plot line and a but of Muke smutt😌 y'all is welcome. Favorite ship? Mines Lashton, such cuties🥰

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