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Luke stepped out of the kitchen of Ashton's pub, fanning his sweaty face. He looked around proud of how far his boyfriend had come. Ashton stood on stage helping some of his staff set up a karaoke machine. He wore black skinny jeans and a white and black checkered button up with black boots. Luke smiled fondly before stepping behind the bar and began organizing the large collection of alcoholic beverages. He hummed a random tune, frowning as he noticed a scuff in his own boot. He wore black skinny's as well, but his button up was zebra printed, but the "White" stripes were see through. He wore a thick  black chain around his neck and had repainted his nails a mate red to match his boots.
" Why is there not a beer in my hand" a particular Irish voice boomed through the pub.
" Hey! Just because you work here, doesn't mean you can just come in whenever, and mind you, with whoever!" Ashton jokingly scolded the jovial man, who was dragging four other men behind him.
Luke laughed as Ashton joined him behind the bar and began to fill a mug. Niall Horn was 5'8 , sandy blonde hair, and deep blue eyes. He wore a white button up tucked into dark blue skinnys. His boyfriend, Liam Payne was 5'7 with short brown hair and dark brown eyes. Niall was wild and carefree while Liam was a worrywort. The two were perfect for each other. The five men were very good friends with Ashton and had become almost like family to Luke. It's not that Luke didn't have friends, he just didn't have as many as Ashton. Everyone loves Ashton. Ashton dealt out five mugs to his friends, eyeing the clock.
" Hey, I'll be right back. It's getting close to open time and there's a couple things I'd like to check on."
Ashton pecked Luke's cheek, squeezing his hip as he walked away.
" You both seem very.... content." Louis grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.
" Louis babe, don't tease." Harry said, his deep voice causing all the men to blush.
" Ashton and I are very much in love yes." Luke said, his eyes shining as he tracked his boyfriend around the bar.
" And ...." Zayn waved his left hand around, winking.
" No, I don't think so. We're just starting to not feel the stress of unpaid bills, and we just both got new cars. But really it's just an excuse to throw an a big party and a completely unjustified vacation. I don't need that to know Ashton loves me." Luke stated, gulping a mouthful of beer.
The rest of the boys nodded, touched by Luke's words and the adoration in his eyes.

Michael grinded harshly against his boyfriend, ass to Calum's groin as he watched his tipsy lover

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Michael grinded harshly against his boyfriend, ass to Calum's groin as he watched his tipsy lover.  Calum wore black slacks and a dark maroon wife beater paired with heavy boots. Michael wore sweats with zippers all over and a graphic T-shirt with holes scattered all over. The pub was called Irwins Place and the duo hadn't been there before. Michael pouted as Calum removed his boyfriend from his front and lead him over to the bar.
" I'm running to the bathroom, please stay here!" Calum shouted in Michael's ear, ruffling the mans sweaty blond hair. Michael nodded continuing to shout the lyrics of the rock song blasting through the speakers. Michael watched his boyfriend for a bit before spinning around just in time to see another blond man leaving the bar with a tray of drinks. Michael perked up, shocked at how beautiful he was, how tall he was. Michael immediately needed to meet this man. He downed a shot then stumbled ofter the other blonde, determined to have him as a friend. Michael dodge in between dancers and drinkers trying to catch up with the blonde. The blonde finally stopped at a table of very fine men, placing the tray down and laughing at something a hazel eyed man said. Michael tapped the man on the shoulder eager to introduce himself. The blonde turned and Michael froze seeing that his eyes were a beautiful blue and that he wore a full face of make up, and it was well done.
Michael opened his mouth, and promptly vomited all over the blonde.

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