Chapter 39

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Before we left to meet Poseidon, Hades returned us to our gothic royalty attire, though I noticed that my high heels had been replaced with black jeweled sandals that matched my crown. I smirked at the change in footwear. Not flip flops, but better than heels.

"So how are we meeting the God of the Sea? Can we breathe underwater or something?" I asked as we walked hand-in-hand toward the front steps.

"No. We'll be meeting him in a pre-determined location. Usually he asks people to meet him on ships so he can monitor them as they arrive, but he's agreed to meet us in one of his favorite spots."

"Which is?"


I got excited, thinking about the sand and sun. I dreamed about sitting in a lounge chair on the beach, drinking some sunset-colored mixed cocktail and letting the sun's rays bake my skin to an almost unhealthy level, Hades by my side.

We stopped on the top step as usual, and I ran a hand up his arm. "Any chance we can get some alone time while we're there?"

He looked apologetic. "I wish we could, Callie. But with someone out to get us, I think our best bet is to stay home as much as we can. If we're- no, once we're able to stop whoever is behind this," he corrected, "I promise I will take you anywhere you want to go. Heavens or Earth, I will go with you. And you can have as much or as little of me as you want."

I squeezed his bicep, thinking of all the ways I'd have him. He must have felt the sudden burst of sexual energy because he smiled and pulled my mouth to his.

"I might just take it all as soon as we get back from Hawaii." I chuckled against his mouth.

He went ravenous. One hand grasped my back, the other roamed lower over my butt. His hand squeezed there, too, and I threw my arms around his neck. Our kisses were feverish, as if we only had moments left to enjoy them.

"Will you be meeting Poseidon, or should I have him reschedule for after the honeymoon?"

We pulled away, and I looked over Hades' shoulder to see Thanatos leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed. He smirked at me, which was the first positive emotion I'd ever seen on his face.

"Sorry, Than." I blushed. "Just got a bit distracted. We're leaving now."

Thanatos and Hades nodded to each other, and off we went.

Hawaii was brighter than I had thought it would be. The sky was bright blue, with a few clouds floating aimlessly around. Everything surrounding us was lush green, sprouting with life. Palm trees and other native plants scattered the ground, giving me strong rainforest vibes. The first thing I heard was the sound of the waves crashing against rocks behind me. I turned and breathed in the sweet salty air.

"It's so beautiful." I whispered. "No wonder it's a favorite spot of his."

"What do you like about it?" Hades asked.

"It's peaceful. It feels like a secret, like the first place the earth and sea ever met. The sound of the waves is like a siren song." I mused, closing my eyes. "And it smells like pure heaven."

"Smells like fish to me. Dead, stinky ones." He smirked.

"Hey! Well, maybe the ocean doesn't like you either." I teased, turning to him.

"She doesn't. She thinks you're an asshole, actually."

I whipped back around to see Poseidon standing on the edge of the water, his trident hanging gently from his left hand. He had not been there a moment before.

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