Chapter 42

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Every cell in my body was screaming out to me in warning. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to rescue the girl who could flip my world on its head just as I'd become so happy. But I had a responsibility to help others, and that included the woman that my husband still had feelings for. I hoped that once I'd freed her, I could convince her to go anywhere but the Underworld. I prayed that independence would still seem like the safest choice after everything that had happened. 

I visualized the hallway where I'd stood in my dream and thought of Persephone's face in the photo I'd seen. To my chagrin it worked, and in a moment I'd arrived back in the hallway of Ares' prison. I was alone yet again, so I walked up to the door where Persephone was held and knocked quietly.

"Persephone?" I whispered.

"Callie, is that you? Did you bring Hades?"

"No, but I think I can get you out. I'm going to get you out." It sounded like confidence, but I was really giving myself a last-second pep talk. I shut my eyes, trying to sound less bitter than I felt. "Stand back from the door. We'll only have a moment once I break it down, I'm sure."

I heard her shuffle away, the sound of metal scraping against the stone floor ringing out.

I stood a few feet back and raised my hands. Now that I was here in person, I could really let my powers get to work. I rolled my shoulders and cleared my mind, as Than had often instructed. I fixated my thoughts on my desire: to free Persephone from her prison. I felt the warmth of my power race through my veins, down my arm, and out my fingertips.

The door burst inward with incredible momentum. I flexed my fingers, and the door stopped a foot or two from Persephone, who was cowering in the corner of a dank, dark cell.

As the light from the hallway spilled into the room, I was able to see her in person for the first time. Her platinum blonde hair was caked with all manner of disgusting dirt, as was her skin. She was pale and dirty, but she was still incredibly beautiful. Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked up at me. Her lips were full and dark pink. I looked her over for just a moment, assessing. Her ankle was chained to the wall, and I was a bit surprised to see that a hunk of metal could keep a goddess prisoner.

"Don't come in!" she warned, holding up her hands. "There is a spell on this room, which nullifies all powers."

I held my ground, knowing I'd be no help to her without my powers. I raised my hands and used my magic once again to dissolve the chain around her ankle. She was weak, but she pulled herself up and scurried out the door next to me.

"C'mon, let's go!" she grabbed my arm. "Before Ares- "

Something hard and heavy collided with my head, sending me flying into the wall. As soon as I hit the floor, I scrambled to my feet. My cheek throbbed and my right ear was ringing.

Ares stood before us, wearing the same gear he'd had on the last time I'd encountered him. He glared down at me from his height.

"You again." He spat. "You are like a cockroach. I knock you down, and you return."

The next moment, Persephone appeared beside me and grabbed my wrist.

"Not today, motherfucker." She smirked.

"Only cowards run from a fight!" Ares dove forward, his arms outstretched.

His face twisted in rage was the last thing I saw before the world around us shifted. We reappeared somewhere unfamiliar. Persephone had successfully shuttered us out of danger. But where we landed, I wasn't sure.

We were standing in a field of flowers. They were brightly colored and ranged from tiny dandelions to huge sunflowers.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around. My cheek still stung where Ares had hit me, but I ignored it as I took in my surroundings.

"Earth." Persephone stretched, her gray dress hanging off her thin frame. "You can go back to Olympus now. You can shutter, right?"

No 'thank-you', no gratitude of any kind.

I narrowed my eyes and nodded. "You're welcome." I grumbled.

"Oh, yeah. Good work." She stretched her fingers out in preparation to use her magic again.

"Wait!" I reached for her, but she had already disappeared. "Bitch!"

I was absolutely furious. I had risked my very life to save her, and all she could say was good work before she ditched me who-knows-where. My hands were twitching as my powers struggled to stay in check.

I took a long, calming breath that had little effect. I'd barely slept, and I needed something to help keep me going for the dramatic discussion that was likely to happen between me and Hades when I got home. But I was on Earth again, which meant I had an endless supply of choices for caffeine. I could have conjured it myself, but I needed a smidge of normalcy after what had just happened.

Persephone had turned out to be just the person I had expected. The wilting flower had certainly turned out to be a poisonous weed. I was regretting my choice to save her life after her little "good work" performance. Bitch would have sat and rot in that room if it weren't for me.

I changed my clothes to a normal human outfit and shuttered behind the coffee shop a few blocks from my old apartment. When I walked inside, I realized just how blissfully ignorant everyone was to the world around them. Mythology wasn't myth at all- it was truth. And while they were buying cappuccinos and getting mani-pedis, someone silently threatened their very way of existence.

I grabbed a coffee and slipped out to the back alley, shuttering myself home.

It was just after dawn as I walked up the front steps. The tiniest bit of light was illuminating from the thick cloud cover above me. I already missed the blue sky I'd taken for granted on Earth. My nerves (or perhaps the caffeine) kicked in just as I walked in the front door. My insides were buzzing and my stomach felt sour as I took a moment to prepare myself outside our suite.

Just be honest with him. Tell him you freed her and she just ditched you like yesterday's newspaper.

I didn't bother knocking. I opened the door without a sound, and for the first time in my life wished that I didn't have a heart.

Locked in a passionate embrace in front of the fireplace was my husband and his ex-wife.

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