Chapter 2 - Waking up in 1985

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Jon's POV

When I woke up, something did not feel right; I moved my arm over the other side of the bed and felt someone in my bed. Now I know for a fact that I did not take anyone home with me; I was not that drunk. I got out of bed and threw on my jeans, picking up the phone, I called Richie's Room and asked him to come over.

I unlocked the door and paced around the room, waiting for him to come over, trying to determine where this person had come from. A knock at the door halted my pacing, and then it opened.

"What's up, dude?"

"Shh, someone is in my bed."

"What is this? when did you bring someone home with you?"

"I never brought anyone back; I went to bed on my own, and when I woke, there was someone in there with me."

"Are you sure they couldn't have just magicked themselves there?"

"Dude, I'm as sure as you are standing here. Please help me. I don't know what to do?"

"Like I know any better man, I at least know who is my bed. What if they are a serial killer?"

"Fuck off, and I don't need that thought in my head right now."

"Just pull the duvet back, and see who it is."

Cori's POV

As I was waking up, I could feel the pounding in my head start to take effect. Then I thought to myself; I dont remember coming to bed last night. I heard muffled voices; I never turned the tele on when I got in last night; I certainly didn't put the radio on, and I know for sure I came home on my own. So Who in the hell's voices was it. 

I lay there pretending to be asleep, trying to hear what was said. It was males' voices, and what I could make out there was a couple of them. I could tell they were not Scottish; they sounded American, confusing me further. So I know I indeed came home on my own.

All of a sudden, someone pulled the duvet back from being my shield. I shrieked, and I came face to face with one of the guys. As I looked up, I saw the gorgeous blue eyes and was mesmerised. He cocked his head to the side and arched his eyebrow at me. All I could do was stare into those eyes.

"Excuse me, but who the fuck are you, and how did you get into my hotel room?" he questioned.

"Eh, who the fuck are you? I don't know where I am? How did I get here?" I stammered back at him, totally confused.

"Yeah, pull the other one; I know what you groupies are like!" So came a voice from behind the one sitting in front of me, making me jump at the realisation; I'd forgotten there was someone else behind him, as his blue eyes had me mesmerised.

"I am NOT a fucking groupie", I yelled back.

I looked around the room, trying to figure out where I was, nothing looking familiar till I looked at the other guy standing against the wall, arms folded with an unamused look on his face. The other guy turned to look between the two of them.

Panic and fear ran through me; I pulled my legs to my chest and started hyperventilating and still looking around the room, trying to figure out what had happened. The last thing I remember was eating my chips lying on my sofa in my house.

"NOW LOOK WHAT THE FUCK YOU HAVE DONE!" the blond one in front of me shouted at the other guy.

Then I felt fingers lift my chin to look at the man in front of me, his eyes never leaving mine; he spoke in a husky, gravelly voice.

"Look at me, and take a deep breath."

I looked in those ocean blue eyes and tried to slow my breathing down, after a few minutes I managed to calm myself down.

"What is your name?" he asked.

"C-Cori", I stuttered back.

"Well, Cori, I'm Jon, and this is Richie", he informed me.

My head still reeling from whatever hell I had just woke up to, I looked between the two men realising who they looked like, but it couldn't be, right?"

"Holy Fuck You guys look like the guys from Bon Jovi, but younger" I said stating the obvious to them.

"Huh, we are Bon Jovi, but what do you mean younger?" he questioned looking utterly confused. I kept looking between, them trying to figure out where, when, why and when.

"Well the last time I saw you guys look like this was the 80s!" I said back to him.

"What do you mean? It is the 80s; it's 1985 to be precise," he shot back.

"No, No, it's 2008, I know it is; I was born in 1986" My head began to hurt from the confusion and the killer hangover setting in.

They both looked at me like I needed a padded cell and a straight jacket.

"How could you be born in 1986 yet but be a fully grown-ass adult in 1985?" questioned Richie in the corner.

"How the fuck am I meant to know, last thing I remember was being out with my friends in Aberdeen last night. I got home fell asleep on my couch and then I woke up here!" I replied, dripping every word sarcastically back at him

"Well, that Explains the funny Accent, but what the hell is going on?" said Jon

"To hell in a handbasket if I know", Richie quipped in the corner of the room.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I have no idea how the hell I got here; but  also, may I use your bathroom?" I asked in a whisper only Jon would hear.

"Yeah sure doll, its right over there." Jon pointed to the other side of the room. 

I stood up, making sure my dress wasn't tucked into anywhere (that's all I need) and ran over to the bathroom closing the door, turned on the taps splashing myself with water to try and wake myself up, thinking this was some dream I'd wake up from, I was awake and still in the hotel bathroom.  

I looked in the mirror, and a battered panda sprang to mind when I saw the state of my make-up. I managed to sort my face out and get rid of the remnants of last night. I freshened myself up and made my way over to the door.

 I could hear them talking through the door, and they weren't exactly quiet in their conversation.

"Do you believe her?" Richie asked Jon

"I don't know, man, and things don't add up; she wasn't here when I went to sleep last night. And why does she believe its 2008?" he spoke back.

"It's weird man I don't like it, but she seems just as confused as we are, and if she was just another groupie, she would be bouncing all over us," Richie replied.

"She doesn't look like a groupie; I mean, she has no shoes, no personal belongings; we need to figure this shit out," Jon said, just as confused and frustrated.

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