Chapter 6 - 1985

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No sooner had we gotten up and got dressed a knock at the door came along with a;

"Hurry the fuck up and answer the door", Richie shouted through.

Jon ran over and opened the door, and rich came in with a few carrier bags in hand, dumping them on the bed.

"I didn't have a fucking clue; there was so much women's stuff to choose. How do you even know where to begin?" He said as he ran his hand through his hair, looking baffled.

"Joys of being a woman and having a choice. Just like you guys know what you like, we do too.", I replied as he just stared into space, looking traumatised.

I heard Jon snort to himself in the corner as Richie tipped the bags out onto the bed. He went and sat on the chair; I had a look through what he bought. I must admit some of it was comical, and I laughed and looked back at him.

"It's not fucking funny; I'm going to need therapy. After that experience, I looked like a right idiot going through the women's aisles trying to figure all this shit out. Next time, you can go to the shop by yourself!" Richie shot back unamused.

I grabbed some clothes toiletries and made my way to the bathroom to sort myself out. After around fifteen minutes, I came back out wearing a pair of very tight-fitting jeans that I'd just about managed to squeeze myself into and a crop top with some other band's name written along the front of it and a pair of white trainers.

They both turned and looked at me with strange looks on their face like I had grown two heads.

"What are you two looking at?" I asked them.

"Wow, you look hot", they both replied simultaneously. I felt my cheeks begin to flush between their looks and their comment.

"So, how are we going to play this then? Who are we going to say I am to everyone?" I looked at both of them.

"Well, we are here for a couple of months yet, so if you don't want to meet everyone yet, then you can stay here, or you can come with us," replied Jon.

"Yeah, you could come with us to meet everyone, and we will say we met you in a bar and your visiting family. Just in case you disappear on us," Richie threw in.

"Yeah, sounds good to me. I would love to meet the band; That too has been on my bucket list for years, but I never thought it would happen." I replied to them both.

"Well, we have a day off from recording today, so we were going just to hang around maybe go to a bar later if you fancy it?" Richie said, looking up at me, his dark eyes looking up at me through his shaggy hair.

All I could think was these boys were going to be the death of me. So what is a girl to do?

We hung around the hotel ordered room service for lunch. The boys chilled chatting, messing around and just having a laugh, and then they decided to pick up and play on their guitars which was a fantastic experience. I could feel myself getting turned on watching them play and sing. Now and again, Jon would give me a cheeky smirk as he strummed on his guitar and practised his lyrics, making me blush.

 I sang along with some of their songs, and they would look at me strangely; I kept forgetting that they hadn't released any of their new stuff yet.

"So, Cori, can you tell us what songs we released and put on the album?" Richie asked as he strummed on his guitar.

"Nope, I cant tell you that!" 

"why not?" they both asked in unison.

"I dont wanna mess with the universe, and she can be a right bitch if you mess with her plans!"

"You are weird, you know that," said Richie with a cheeky glint in his eyes.

"So I have been told many times. But nothing wrong with being weird; I am proud of my weirdness," I replied as I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Let's play 20 questions to get to know each other better; who's in?" I asked as I looked between them; they both smiled at each other.

"We are both in. So does that mean we can ask anything no subject is off-limits? Richie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You can ask anything, and the person has to answer honestly", I replied.

Richie practically jumped in his seat like he had won the lottery, with the biggest grin on his face. Jon looked at me and gave me a quick smirk.

I started getting butterflies in my stomach, thinking this was a good idea when it popped in my head; now, I'm not so sure. God only knows what questions they were both concocting in their heads. 

"Who wants to go first? And, do you have any alcohol? I could use a drink!" I asked, thinking that a drink would help. Jon stood up and got a bottle of Jack Daniels and some cans of coke; we decided to make it a drinking game, and every time you answered, you had to have a shot.

"I'll go first", shouted Richie

The questions started relatively tame, the usual of what you do for a living, do you have a partner, and what music you like. But after a few drinks then, the not so tame questions came out.

"Have you ever had a threesome?" asked Richie, smirking into his glass.

"Yes once" was all I replied; the looks on their faces was a kodak moment,

"Was it with two guys or two girls?" asked Jon.

"It was two girls" Trying not to give too many details, but I could tell these two were up to something; they kept glancing at each other and smirking like they were having an internal conversation with each other.

"So, have you two had a threesome?" I asked them

"Yes, we have." 

"Was it together or with other people?"

"Both", they answered in unison, then they both turned and looked straight into my eyes and asked;

"Would you like to have a threesome with us?" they both asked at the same time.

My face went bright red, and I hid behind my hands. It was one of my fantasies, and I had dreamt about it in the past, never thinking it would come true. I grabbed the bottle of Jack and swigged it down.

"You have to answer us; your rules, remember. So why have you gone red?" Jon pushed.

"Ok, yes to your question." I rambled out as quickly as possible, needing a bit more liquid courage from Mr Daniels.

They both looked at each other and smiled dirty smiles at each other; while they were distracted, I grabbed the bottle and took a couple of shots. Then, I went to stand up and go to the loo. But, again, they both looked at me, and I excused myself, swaying as I made it to the bathroom door. 

I sat on the edge of the bath, gathering my thoughts and trying to slow my breathing down; I felt like a child hiding in the bathroom. 

"You ok in there, princess?" they both asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I will be out in a second", I shouted back.

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