First day above ground.

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If it weren't for the fact we were sleeping in metalic sleeping bags bolted to the wall, it would be easy to forgot where we were. 

Pink and Yellow had been early risers, easing eachother into yoga poses on the cold floor of the cafeteria. The zipper to my sleeping bag was stuck, and the boys thought it would be funny to leave my squirming. Red unzipped me, already looking like she was itching to rip my skin off.

"Blue, Red! We're getting a video call!" Cyan cheered from Security.

"Already? We gotta go!"

Red and I speed down the hall.

"Blue, there you are." Black smiled. I took his gloved hand in my own.

"Good morning Cadets." Our teacher, Mr. White boomed in a low voice.

"Good morning Mr.White!" We chanted back.

"Have you all been completing your daily tasks?"

"We will begin today, Sir." Yellow reasoned.

"Good. Your computers have been adapted to accept television channels as well as personal phone calls. We would suggest keeping in touch with your families."

The other cadets cheered except for Black, Cyan and I. If our families knew we could call, they'd throw hissy fits if we didn't.

Mr. White seemed alarmed for a moment, before typing furiously at his keyboards. His eyes lit up with fear only I seemed to noticed.

"Sir, is everything alright?"

"Blue, Red, Orange...." He mumbled are named and mentioned something about the Council.

It didn't sound good.

Yellow squinted and gestured to her hearing aids. "I can't hear him very well. What's going on?"

Mr. White jolted up, leaning into the microphone that connected to each of our individual headsets. "Everyone remain calm, there is an imposter among you."

The lights went dark and the engines screamed as they failed.

Cyan was gone.

So were Orange and Red.

We were off to a great start.

Among The Sky (Among Us Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin