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Pink's POV

Yellow tapped my shoulder in the early morning. We were the only ones awake as she led me to the cafeteria, where there was a huge window. We were supposed to conduct emergency meets here, but we hadn't had to.

The window led to outside and showed the abyss of twinkling stars and clouds. All around was a deep mix of Blue and Purple. Earth was a tiny speck in the distance.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Yellow wiped my bangs out of my eyes with a flower headband.

"I can't believe I'm really here."

"You scored highest on the exams didn't you?"

I nodded. Mom had been so proud that day. But exam week happened before the coma. Mom couldn't be proud of much anything anymore.

"Pink, you seem tense. Is everything alright?

"It's okay." My face strained into a smile.

"Come on, I know you better then that. Come try some yoga with me."

"If you really think it will help."

"Of course I do. My nanny used to do it with me all the time."

"Your parents never did it with you?"

"Are you kidding? Daddy was off mining for sapphires and Mom was busy modeling them. No gems, no bueno."

I giggled.

" Now, let's try Child's pose."

I was never very flexible. I fumbled for a bit until Yellow put her hand on the swell of my back. 

My eyes were glued to the window. So bright and big and dark. I want to go home. I want to go home. I want-


Yellow kneeled beside me on the floor.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"


"Nightmares again? Pink, we talked about-

I broke into tears.

Yellow wrapped her arms around my shoulders."Please don't cry! What's the matter?"

I rubbed my eyes. "I don't think I can do this. It's so dark all the time. Anything could happen."

"It's only the first day mi amore, give yourself a chance." 

I wrapped my fingers in Yellow's silky black hair, focusing on deep breaths.

"Can I have a chance for a nap?" I giggled sleepily.

"Whatever you want."

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