The Meeting.

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"The Green brothers are dead."  Yellow announced to us

Red's eyes were already swollen with tears. "If you motherfuckers refuse to tell me, I'll snap all of your necks!" She punched the wall. 

I offered Red a tissue. She lunged for Cyan.

"You little rodent! I bet you did it. Weaseled you way right in and slaughtered them both!"

"I was scanning my ID! I couldn't get it to work!"

"Yeah, Red. Don't rag on the kid." Orange led Cyan away from Red's fist.

Locking eyes with Black, I thought back on how I'd first met Black. It was before I came out to anyone. I was perched in a broken set of money bars, leaning over my last photo of a real tree.

"Is that a tree?" Black mumbled from under his hoodie.


"I have lilies in my backyard."


"My parents own a wildlife preserve."

"Really? Prove it."

"I'll bring a cactus, a rose and a slug all by tomorrow."

"Haha! You wish!"

But he actually did. And I spent every afternoon after that tending to what was left of our natural world.

But the Chistopher Black standing before me was completely different. His eyes were dull and sunken in, his skin was grey like a corpse. In fact, I hadn't seen him eat a single food packet in two weeks.

He needed help. How could I have been so blind? And now it was too late.

I hid Cyan behind me and stood behind Red as I chocked back the lump in my throat.

"Black killed Green. He told me he did. i-I heard his footsteps when Green died."

The room because bizarrely quiet. Even Red was frozen in disbelief.

Black laughed. First' a quiet chuckle. It grew into a course, hearty laugh.

"Stop laughing."

He didn't.

"Black, stop."

Cyan dug her nails into my arm.

"You're scaring Cyan!"

Black stopped. "I killed him. I did it for you."

"I never wanted you to-"


Pink fell to her knees.

"I killed Light Green. And Green is gone because of me. "

Yellow reached for Pink's hand. "Pink, it can't be-"

"I never meant for it to end like this. I'm so sorry Red."

"Go to Hell!" Red roared and threw a chair at Pink's head.

I had never seen Yellow actually show emotion before. She was frantic.

"It was self-defense. We can fight this!"

Pink shook her head, looking like she was ready for the longest nap of her life.

"I love you Sarah. I'm so sorry."

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