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 Pink managed to calm down and find the emergency light. 

I found Cyan passed out in Medbay. Sometimes she fainted when she got really scared. It had only happened once before.

"The imposter- i got so scared! They'll find me Blue." She hiccupped.

I cupped her tiny face in my hands. Black stood behind me.

"No, they won't. Not if I have anything to do about it."

"That's nice of you, Babe. I think I can handle it."

Black helped Cyan off the cot. "I know you can. But I promise you both right now, you're safe with me."

Red came rushing in from the hall. "I got one of the engines running!"

"Really? Where's Orange?"

"By Security. I told him that room had the emergency kit."

"I think we should all do our tasks now." Pink suggested.

"Are you insane? We'll get murdered!" Yellow protested.

"Pink is right. We want to keep the ship working properly until we weed out the imposter."

"I think Mr. White is just messing with us. This could all be part of the experiment." Green smiled with certainty.

 Black grumbled."We can't know that for sure. Be safe doing your tasks everyone."

I lifted Cyan over my shoulders and carried her to my sleeping bag. I slid her in and double-knotted the closure.

"Hey! Put me down!"

"Sorry Cy, it's too dangerous for you."

"Why? Because I'm the youngest?" She whined.

"No. Its-"

I stopped before I could tell her the reason and rushed to another room. I swiped my ID into the computer as Cyan struggled.

The truth was, Cyan was only my half-sister. Her dad had also worked for the Council of Interstellar Travel, but he died while perfecting a oxygen filter for the atmosphere of Mars.

Earth was dying, and had been for a long time.Nearly all our animals were gone and good water was hard to come by unless you were wealthy like Yellow and Black's families. Cyan and I were born sickly in the underbelly of an overpopulated city, but Cyan's father was going to change all of our futures, rich or poor.

The mayor, the Council and Mr. White had forgotten about him soon after the funeral. My dad refused to talk about it. Cyan was the last of a dying breed. Her, Black and I were still hoping to change things. I just hoped I could keep her alive till then.

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