Talking to the Moon

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"Blue, are you awake?" Black smiled into my ear.

"Black, it's three o'clock in the morning." I huffed.

"I need to show you something."

I was still too tired to walk, so Black practically carried me to the back room. Our helmets lined the wall.

"Let's try on our suits."

Really? Are we even allowed to do that?"

"C'mon. No one's even awake yet."

I shut my eyes as Black changed into his suit and he did the same for me. He even held to secure the oxygen tank.

He used his ID card to open the hatch.

"Babe, I'm kind of nervous."

"You'll be fine. I got you." The real tethers were in the other rooms, so Black tied his belt to the hatch handle and had me hold onto it.

Being out of the shuttle was the most amazing feeling in my life. I could feel the zero gravity floating me away, Black grabbed me and held me close to him.

"See? Isn't that nice?" He pointed to shimmering full moon.

"I can't wait until everyone else gets to see this." A shooting star fizzled out beside us.

"Yeah. But it's pretty great just the two of us, huh?"


My heart was floating out of my chest. And then the rest of me was floating. I panicked.



"Black, I'm slipping! Help, I'm slipping."

"Stop moving. I got you." He reached for one of my pockets, using all his energy to pull the two of us back into the shuttle. We changed quietly, but as soon as the hatch was shut, the alarm was set off. 

I slid my ID to quiet it, but Cyan had woken up. She snickered.

"What's so funny?" I whispered.

She pointed to my chest.

I had changed into Black's shirt. My blushing face hidden in the darkness, Cyan let me back into the sleeping bag.

" We are to never speak of this again."

She giggled. "No promises."

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