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After three weeks of incomparable stress, Blue suffered a heart attack and died just half an hour before the Council came to rescue us.

I was the imposter. Mr. White sent me into Blue's shuttle when I should have stayed behind for a field trip of the same duration. It was all supposed to be a part of the experiment, but now four students are dead and I have to leave the hospital today to face my dues in a town-wide meeting.

My real dad is gone.

My sibling is gone.

The whole city must hate me right now.

I always wanted to see what was lying around the corner. A new beginning was just within my grasp everytime Cyan and I got on the bus for the STEM academy in the morning.

There was no bus.

The black dress I had to wear attracted such harsh rays from the sun it hurt to keep on. Mother was wearing something similar.

We couldn't bury people anymore. The land couldn't take it. No cremation either.  All I wanted was to go back into space and shoot myself out of the airlock. I had a better chance of finding Blue in an asteroid field.

Black was facing jail time for what he did to Green, but the judge allowed him one hour back on the outside for the "funeral"/ town meeting. I gave my original speech at the meeting and fled back to what remained of our home. Mom had locked off the door to my bedroom. Thank gods. Yellow walked up to me in the kicthen. She looked so different with her hair down and blue eyes out of goggles.

"I'm sorry, Yellow."

"I know. 

"You miss Blue?"

"Why is that even a question?!"

"You're right. My apologies."

I sighed. "And Pink?"

"Rachel. Oh, Heavens I miss her. She was my whole world." Yellow waved at her moist eyes.

"Cyan, you've already gone through so much pain in your little life. I couldn't be mad if I wanted to. Just promise me something?"


Yellow pulled out a small silver box. An urn. Blue's was in my purse, but in gold. Yellow handed it to me.

"Take her to the moon for me, okay?"

Yellow wrapped me in a tight hug. Then Red and Orange.

 Black was being led back outside and my mom came back into the kicthen. Her wedding ring was gone.

 The room was noisy, so I focused on my sign language.

"We'll bring them together. "

Among The Sky (Among Us Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt