When You Think About Him? Michelangelo

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* Well it's Friday, I've had a bad day, I failed a mock, I failed Geology and I am now becoming very left out of my friendship group because they all have a boyfriend and I don't. They say I will in Uni and then my dad says that he doubts i'll get in Uni, so i dont know what to think anymore.

Anyway...it's Friday, here's another chapter for you guys. Hope you enjoy it*

You were struggling through part of the COD: Black Ops II that you had gotten only a week ago, but it was mainly because you were not focused on the game itself but rather the large mutant turtle Michelangelo who had come to your aid after you were mugged by Purple Dragons. The fact that he and you were so alike made it a quizzical situation, you were both hard core gamers and loved pizza, and you were starting to wonder whether it had been a dream.
But it couldn’t have been since Mikey had left something of his to remind you of him, his top score on the road racing game, which you couldn’t beat no matter how hard you tried.
But it was just his quirkiness that attracted you to him, there was no point in denying that you had some sort of feeling for this strange mutant; you also intrigued by him. His baby blue eyes attracted you, you felt as though you could get lost in them, when his gaze passed over yours whilst you ate, you pretended not to notice the intense look of his eyes, as if he wanted to touch you and your own self-control as you wanted to feel his skin.

You shook your head,
“No, my mind is playing tricks on me, he wouldn’t love me in the same way, I’m not beautiful in any way, I’m just a nobody,” you thought to yourself.
It was the only logical thing that made sense to you, all the boys would look the other way at you, they seemed to be disgusted by you, both in New York and back in Florida. Even though your friends told you that one day you would find someone and then to realise that those so called friends hated you as well and left you all alone.

But that never seemed to happen with Michelangelo, he saved you from the muggers, but he could have left, left without showing you his turtle form, without you knowing nearly his whole life story. However, he didn’t leave, he stayed, made sure you were alright, despite his different appearance he had been one of the nicest people you had ever met and that was saying something. He made you laugh, you loved your quirkiness, he loved your strangeness and never once turned in disgust at you, it was as if a match were made in heaven.
“Maybe, just maybe this is my one chance to finally find love,” you told yourself and then sighed, “But what if he doesn’t feel the same way, I mean it would be so awkward.”

You decided that once you had filled your freezer with pizza, you would hopefully see him again and get to know him and him with you and then maybe, just maybe you could find out if he felt the same way.

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