Yoo Jin Ah

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Jin Ah woke up with a headache.

Last night, she went out with her friends to a posh bar in the city. Her close friend Seo Dan was just promoted and decided to take them all out for drinks. "Who knows? We might also meet a few cute guys there?"

Jin Ah rolled her eyes. She had long given up on dates or finding a partner because everyone who was still available didn't seem to be a good match for her. There were some amazing men, just not suited to her.

But, she still believed in love and romance and was always interested in epic love stories of her friends. She just had given up on it for her.

For the planned night out, she decided to switch her looks up a bit. Normally preferring light makeup, neat hair, and pastel colored or light hued clothing, she decided to go with darker colors for her face, wore a black leather jacket with fitted jeans — clothes she rarely took out of her closet.

It was a nice change to her routine, she thought after. Though the crowded venue is something she would never seek on purpose, it was interesting to see how people different from her lived their lives. As she watched beautiful men and women interact and try to catch each other's attention, she ate the roasted peanuts on their table like popcorn.

For a brief moment, she remembered the atmosphere on the room changing and the crowds seemed to part for one of the more special people. All she could tell is that he was tall and had good hair. From her seat, that's all she could really see. But she could tell everyone was interested— women with hearts in their eyes wanting to catch the man's attention, men wanting to be close to him perhaps to increase their importance as well.

Or, at least, that's how Jin Ah interpreted it.

She continued to gaze at people in between telling stories with her friends. When they stepped out for a bit to go to the rest room or take a call, she ate nuts a little too quickly and one of them lodged in her throat and she started to cough.

Realizing she didn't have anything to wash it down, she rushed to the bar and took the first clear liquid she saw.

Nevermind that she took the hand that came along with it.

She blushed at the memory. In my defense, I needed it, she thought. Horrified to realize it wasn't water, she was thankful that the man was quick to get her another glass which was truly water this time.

Finally catching her breath, she briefly recalled being stunned at how handsome that man actually was.

But her fogged brain couldn't really recall his exact features. Just that he was extremely good looking.

Then, her friends called her back so she just sent a note and hopes he got it.

Anyway, it's a new day, she thought as she prepared for another workday. Before she even got her morning coffee, her team member at the Brand Management group approached her with an issue. " Yoo Jin-Ah-ssi, the head of the Sales team for the real estate arm has not yet signed off on the job order but they want the ad campaign launched next week."

"Ugh! That man is so annoying! Making all these demands but not giving the input needed!" Jin Ah complained. Normally, she tried to keep her emotions in check when it came to difficult stakeholders but this new Sales head was getting on her nerves.

Since he joined the company last month, they haven't met face to face yet because he was managing his team remotely from London and Jin Ah's team only coordinated with his one-downs but he was just getting more and more troublesome. "How are we going to deliver on time?!"

Deciding to use her connections, she instructed her team, "I'll speak to Sales. For now, make sure our agency is ready to finalize the print and video materials so we can send out for confirmation as soon as we get the sign off. Tell them I was the one who asked."

The morning went by quickly due to the reviews and paperwork Jin Ah and her team needed to get done while Jin Ah was on the phone on trying to get that much needed signature on the document. "Where is your boss, Mr. Jang? Perhaps I should speak to him directly."

"I believe he is looking at the Jaguar and the Porsche," was the reply.

"What? Why? Our campaign is for the premium condominium units!"

"I think he will be buying one," Mr. Jang said.

Jin Ah rolled her eyes. "Can you please tell your boss that if he does not sign the document today, I will not release the ad campaign and I will say it is because of him."

"I don't think he will be scared, Yoo Jin-Ah-ssi."

"Well then it's his issue." Shortly after the call, Mr. Jang sent an email that his boss finally agreed to sign.

Annoying people, Jin Ah thought. Telling her team that the job order will be coming soon, she decided to release some stress by walking over to a nearby coffee shop. "One cafe americano to go, please."

Waiting at the dispensing area, she approached the bar when the order was called. As she reached for her cup, her jaw dropped in shock when a warm hand clasped hers. "Omo!"

The look on the man's face registered the same shock. "I believe this is mine," he said, with a smirk on his face but quickly letting her hand go.

"No, it's not," Jin Ah said. Twisting the cup to where the name is written, she triumphantly showed it.

"I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted."

He face showed his embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I deeply apologize, Ms.?"

"I'm leaving."

He nodded, still smiling. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Leaving!"

Jin Ah rolled her eyes. He's annoyingly self confident. I guess that's really how handsome men are, she thought.

As she was leaving, the barista call out, "One americano for Ji Sung!"

The handsome man stepped up to the bar again, checked his cup to make sure it was his order this time. "Just making sure!"

As both headed back to their workplaces, there was a nagging thought at the back of their heads that they just couldn't place yet.

And like most of those thoughts, it was pushed back because of the demands of work. Perhaps those thoughts will be revisited when the time was right.

Or maybe it would just be one of those random memories to be buried among many others.

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