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Landing at Heathrow was as chaotic as he remembered. It was, after all, one of the busiest airports in the world with millions of passengers coming through its doors on a yearly basis. Ji Sung noticed that it was a bit overwhelming for Jin Ah so he made sure to assist her when she needed but not get in the way of her awe.

Once they cleared immigration, they headed out to where his sister would be picking them up. "Ji Won!" they called out as soon as they spotted her.

Giving them a big hug, "Hi! You guys are here! How was the flight?"

"Long but luckily uneventful," Ji Sung said.

"Thank you again for letting me stay at your place," Jin Ah told her.

"Don't worry about it! I figure that's the only way I would get to see my brother often in this trip," Ji Won said. "Come on! Do you want to grab a bite to eat first or head to the flat directly to rest?"

Ji Sung looked at Jin Ah before replying. "We'd like to rest first, if that's okay. We'll do some exploring after a nap. We weren't able to sleep so much on the second leg of our trip." They got good seats with enough leg room to accommodate Ji Sung's height but the persons behind them kept kicking their seats that it was difficult for both of them slumber in peace.

Jin Ah agreed.

As they were driving around London though, she couldn't help but exclaim at the site she only saw in photos before. "Omo! Ji Sung! I see the Big Ben from here!"

"It is beautiful, isn't it? Too bad they're not ringing the bell now because of repairs."

"Oh. Still, wow! Can we go see it later?"

Ji Sung, who was seated at the front with Ji Won, who was driving, agreed. "Of course."

Jin Ah squealed in delight. "The London bridge is close by from there, right? Can we see it too?"

"The Tower bridge? Yes, we can go."

Jin Ah clapped her hands again like a little baby. Looking at the siblings in front, she suddenly felt shy. "I'm sorry I'm being weird."

"Don't be. It is a wonderful city. Ji Sung and I were the same when we first got here," Ji Won assured.

Turning slightly, Ji Sung opened his palm for Jin Ah to place hers in it. "Don't apologise. I'd love to show you around the city. I was thinking, would you want to go on a cruise along the Thames?"

"That sounds wonderful!" Jin Ah agreed.

Ji Won chuckled. "That was smooth, Brother. That's a very romantic thing to do."

Jin Ah blushed.

Ji Won laughed. "Don't be shy, Jin-ssi. I fully support this. It's nice to see my brother crazy about someone who makes him very happy. Let me warn you. He can get annoying though."

"Oh I know that quite well," Jin Ah assured. "He can be very annoying."

"Omo! Are you two ganging up on me?" Ji Sung protested.

"No, not at all. We're just pointing it out. We still love you though," Jin Ah assured. Realising what she just said, she quickly covered her mouth. "Oh. Ummm..."

Ji Won laughed. "Oh boy. Lucky that I'll be on a trip next week. I might not be able to take being your third wheel for very long."

Jin Ah discovered that Ji Won lived very close to the Tower Bridge in a huge 3 bedroom apartment. The place had floor to ceiling windows that let in natural light and provided a view of the bridge, the Tower of London and the Thames. Each room had its own ensued bathroom, bath tub and walk-in closets. "Your house is beautiful, Ji Won."

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