On Hold

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Ji Sung's mother entered her husband's office. "What are you up to?"

Chairman Hwang looked at his wife. "I am finally supporting your son. Why do you still doubt me?"

"Why Hollywood?" His mother asked.

"He wants to be big in the entertainment industry. What bigger hub is there than Hollywood?"

"Is that the real reason or you're hoping that the distance would cause a break up?"

Chairman Hwang said nothing.

"Why can't you just let him be happy?"

Again, she was met with silence.

Silence was also what was going on in the loft as soon as Ji Sung told Jin Ah about his father's proposition.

16 hour time difference.

11 hour flight.

9,500 kilometers away.

She was seated at the dining room, while he remained standing by the kitchen counter. The distance between them felt like the same distance they had to discuss.

"That's a long way from here," Jin Ah finally said.

Ji Sung nodded. "The hours aren't good either."

9am in Los Angeles would be 1am in Seoul, so calling each other at that time won't work.

9am in Seoul would be 5pm in Los Angeles, which would be more reasonable for a call assuming work won't be busy for both.

"Internet connection in Seoul is great. We can call each other anytime," Jin Ah offered. "Or it doesn't even have to be a phone call. SNS. Social media messengers. There's a lot of ways now."

Ji Sung nodded. "Yes, yes. Of course. We'll use all the options available to us."

She nodded. "So, this means you'll take it? You're accepting your Father's offer?"

He sighed. Approaching her, he seated at the head of the table and and took her hand. "I don't know. Part of me wants to try."

She understood and was thankful that he was honest with her. This was, after all, his dream and for the first time in a long time, his father was willing to support it. It was something he would definitely consider. "Then, you should."

He nodded but was frowning. "I just... it doesn't feel right."

Putting a braver face than what she was feeling, Jin Ah assured, "I think it'll be great. Maybe it's just the anxiety we feel when our dreams are about to come true? Sometimes, we want to think negatively to manage the disappointment if something happens that prevents it."

He smiled at her. "You sure about this?"

She shrugged. "I am. Are you?"

"Not as confident as you, but I'll try." He frowned before he continued, "Should there be a chance to bring you over, would you consider working with me?"

"In Los Angeles?!"

Ji Sung nodded.

"I am great at my job," Jin Ah said to which Ji Sung agreed. "And as a start up, you would need very good advertising and marketing."

He nodded again.

"And I am an investor in your company so I need to make sure you succeed," she continued. "Alright. IF there is a chance then let's do that but I don't want that option to be the focus, alright?"

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